10 Emotional Advertising Spots: Winning At The Crying Game

The tactic has taken on increased importance as advertisers try to create lasting customer relationships. Get your tissues ready.

10 Emotional Advertising Spots: Winning At The Crying Game

According to some, emotion-laden advertising is nothing new, dating back to the early 20th century. These days, however, the tactic has taken on increased importance as advertisers try to create lasting customer relationships.

Below, you’ll find 10 recent examples of ads that have either pulled at our heartstrings, motivated us, or even evoked fear to get their messages across. Get your tissues ready.

1. Procter & Gamble’s “Thank You, Mom”

2. Edeka’s “Christmas”

3. Amazon’s “Lion”

4. Novaris “Flood”


5. Nike’s “Find Your Greatness”

6. Android’s “Friends Furever”

7. Little Cesar’s “Love Them Back”

8. Google Chrome’s “Jess Time”

9. Ad Council’s “Love Has No Labels”

10. Toys ‘R’ Us’ “Christmas Tree”

11. And just for fun: Listerine’s “Mouthwash To The Rescue,” circa 1950. Some say Listerine’s ads, dating back to the 1920s, are among the earliest examples of emotional advertising, creating fears about bad breath.