Overcome 3 Obstacles To Hiring Better And Faster

The obstacles to effective hiring are not difficult to overcome if you change your fundamental mindset and follow some simple rules.

Overcome 3 Obstacles To Hiring Better And Faster

In “Why Aren’t You Hiring Faster?” I suggested you can make your company more competitive by speeding up your hiring process to avoid losing the best candidates. There are of course many reasons why hiring decisions can take more time than you’d like.

Your HR department can explain why those reasons for delay are legitimate. As a headhunter, I’ll tell you they’re all bunk. If hiring is a strategic objective, none of those reasons for delay should slow you down. You must decide how critical hiring is for your marketing operation and immediately assign someone to manage (or eliminate) the obstacles. We all know that time to market can make or break a product or a business. Time to hire can, too.

Even if I can’t convince you that hiring is the most critical task on any manager’s agenda, I’d like to show you that the obstacles to effective hiring are not difficult to overcome if you change your fundamental mindset and follow some simple rules.

Obstacle 1: “There’s No Rush”

Don’t embark on making a hire unless you’re really ready to act. This delay-inducing mistake results in your best candidates going to employers who are ready to make offers quickly. Don’t start the process until:

Be in a hurry to hire. This means you—the marketing manager—not just HR.

Obstacle 2: Too Many Wrong Candidates

If you look in the wrong places for the talent you need, you’re going to waste a lot of time filtering applicants. To speed up hiring, narrow down your choices by improving the pool from which you will recruit. Hiring the best people means recruiting in only the right places.

Obstacle 3: Guessing-Game Interviews

Do you make your marketing team guess what you want accomplished on a project? Of course not. To help your employees do their work effectively, you show them what the desired behaviors are. You don’t make a secret out of anything because you want them to be successful.

Yet most employers play guessing games with job applicants. “We can’t tell job applicants the answers to our interview questions! We can’t disclose what we’re willing to pay! Hiring is a game, and we write the rules!”

Sheesh. Isn’t that just goofy? Take the secrecy out of recruiting and hiring.

Eliminate obstacles during your hiring process, and you’re more likely to beat your competitors to the prize. Be in a hurry. Limit your pool of candidates. Help applicants win the job. When word gets around that you hire like it matters, the best marketers will come to you themselves just because they’re fed up with slowpoke employers that waste job applicants’ time.