A.S.Adventure: many stories, one experience

Out­door recre­ation is more pop­u­lar than ever, cre­at­ing new chal­lenges for vet­er­an spe­cial­ty sport­ing goods and appar­el retail­ers like A.S.Adventure. Now that gen­er­al retail­ers and online pow­er­hous­es like Ama­zon and Aliba­ba are offer­ing hik­ing, camp­ing, and bicy­cling prod­ucts, A.S.Adventure is aug­ment­ing its face-to-face retail expe­ri­ences with rich, rel­e­vant, and cus­tomized dig­i­tal con­tent across channels.

A.S.Adventure sees cross-chan­nel per­son­al­iza­tion as vital to cus­tomer loy­al­ty. No two adven­tures are alike and shop­pers look­ing for out­door gear want to see infor­ma­tion and offers tai­lored to their spe­cif­ic inter­ests. Imple­ment­ing Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er and Adobe Cam­paign solu­tions in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud enable A.S.Adventure to cre­ate cus­tomized audi­ence seg­ments and cen­tral­ly man­age mar­ket­ing cam­paigns to deliv­er the right infor­ma­tion to the right audiences.

“We want to incor­po­rate prod­uct and non-prod­uct con­tent into one page so that we can give to our cus­tomers the key aspects of the prod­uct and inspire them to have a great expe­ri­ence when they buy our stuff,” says Thomas Vaarten, E‑Commerce Man­ag­er, A.S.Adventure.

A.S.Adventure, whose Euro­pean store brands also include Yutu, Yaya, Cotswold Out­door, Run­ners’ Need, Cycle Surgery, and Snow and Rock, cre­ates dig­i­tal con­tent using Adobe Cre­ative Cloud. The com­pa­ny pre­vi­ous­ly out­sourced web devel­op­ment, but imple­ment­ing Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er allowed A.S.Adventure to bring it in-house, which has reduced the time required for con­tent updates from weeks to hours, get­ting use­ful infor­ma­tion out to shop­pers faster.