London Heathrow makes every journey better—in the air, on the ground, and online

On any giv­en day, Lon­don Heathrow—Europe’s busiest airport—is bustling with activ­i­ty. From trav­el­ers arriv­ing home to those embark­ing on adven­tures, Heathrow strives to make cus­tomer expe­ri­ences as easy and enjoy­able as pos­si­ble. Trains oper­ate to Lon­don, park­ing is plen­ti­ful, Wi-Fi is free, and shop­ping options are vir­tu­al­ly unlimited.

Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud helps con­nect the dots along the pas­sen­ger jour­ney, draw­ing on data that’s col­lect­ed from trav­el book­ings, Wi-Fi logins, and pur­chas­es from air­port retail­ers. Com­bin­ing infor­ma­tion from these touch­points allows Heathrow to reach cus­tomers with per­son­al­ized con­tent that reflects pre­vi­ous vis­its online or at the airport.

“Peo­ple come to Heathrow because they’re trav­el­ing or meet­ing a visitor—but we want to keep up com­mu­ni­ca­tion with them dur­ing all of the times in-between. We’re look­ing at how they get to the air­port, how they plan trips, what we can pro­vide before trav­el, and what they might want to look for in the ter­mi­nals,” says Simon Chat­field, Head of eBusi­ness and CRM, Heathrow Air­port Lim­it­ed. “Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud helps us deter­mine what infor­ma­tion peo­ple want and then deliv­er it at each step in their journey.”

Heathrow engages cus­tomers using Adobe Cam­paign, Ana­lyt­ics, and Tar­get. The air­port also lis­tens to social con­ver­sa­tions with Adobe Social and uses those insights to improve targeting.

Going the extra mile to make the cus­tomer jour­ney bet­ter is a pri­or­i­ty for Heathrow. For exam­ple, geo­tar­get­ing capa­bil­i­ties let peo­ple know about ser­vices and offers they want with­in the terminal—such as an offer for a hand­bag or an iPad. “Deliv­er­ing use­ful infor­ma­tion is clear­ly a ben­e­fit, but our real goal for using Adobe Cam­paign is to pro­vide trav­el­ers with the absolute best air­port ser­vice,” Chat­field says.

To learn more about how Heathrow is reimag­in­ing the air­port expe­ri­ence, read the case study : Heathrow reimag­ines the air­port experience