Experience Personalisation: Effective Personalised Marketing

Expe­ri­ence Per­son­al­i­sa­tion Series, Part 3 : Per­son­al­i­sa­tion

This arti­cle is the third in a three-part series, you can read part 1 here: Expe­ri­ence Per­son­al­i­sa­tion: Get­ting the Data Right & part 2 here: Expe­ri­ence Per­son­al­i­sa­tion: Data and Content

Data and con­tent are both cru­cial for effec­tive mar­ket­ing. The more rel­e­vant data you have on your audi­ence, and the more effec­tive­ly you’re able to use that data to auto­mate the dis­play of con­tent, the more of your mar­ket­ing spend will lead to conversions.

That’s why, here at Adobe, we use the for­mu­la “Data + Con­tent = Per­son­al­i­sa­tion” to sum­marise the neces­si­ty of use­ful data and auto­mat­ed con­tent tar­get­ing in an effec­tive per­son­alised mar­ket­ing campaign.

Data was our focus in the first arti­cle of this series. We explored the ways in which data points from mul­ti­ple inter­ac­tions with the same user—across every sys­tem used by your organisation—can be syn­the­sised into pro­gres­sive pro­files that grow and adapt in response to real-world behav­iour changes. In the sec­ond arti­cle, we exam­ined some pow­er­ful ways of automat­ing the deliv­ery of con­tent, through auto­mat­ed tar­get­ing and per­son­alised recommendations.

Now, in this third and final arti­cle of the series, we’ll see how data and con­tent come togeth­er to cre­ate a whole spec­trum of per­son­alised experiences.

The broad brush

When we talk about per­son­al­i­sa­tion, we’re actu­al­ly talk­ing about a wide vari­ety of tools and tac­tics for audi­ence outreach.

At the low end of this Per­son­al­i­sa­tion Spec­trum are broad-brush tech­niques, using rules-based tar­get­ing to address large audi­ence segments.

For exam­ple, you might have a rule that says, “all cus­tomers who have a gold card, and only those cus­tomers, should receive an offer to upgrade to plat­inum.” You don’t need to know any­thing at all about these cus­tomers’ per­son­al pref­er­ences in order to make this offer—all you need is a sin­gle bina­ry fact: does this cus­tomer have a gold card, or not?

The sim­plic­i­ty of rules-based tar­get­ing makes this tac­tic an ide­al place to start with per­son­al­i­sa­tion, but the rules-based approach alone won’t win over most cus­tomers. To raise your con­ver­sion rate, it’s nec­es­sary to com­bine these broad-brush tech­niques with more tar­get­ed messaging.

Rich­er profiles

Toward the more gran­u­lar end of the Per­son­al­i­sa­tion Spec­trum, we build our mar­ket­ing not around broad audi­ence seg­ments, but around pro­gres­sive pro­files, which grow rich­er and more detailed with every inter­ac­tion, across every touch point.

As our pro­files become more com­plete, we can begin to use two-stage modelling—not only to deter­mine what a giv­en cus­tomer wants right now, but also what he or she is like­ly to want in the near future.

These rich­er pro­files also enable us to make more rel­e­vant rec­om­men­da­tions to the cus­tomer. Instead of just say­ing, for exam­ple, “Peo­ple who viewed this DVD also viewed these DVDs,” we can say, “Here’s a list of DVDs that are appro­pri­ate for you, based on your per­son­al brows­ing behav­iour, likes, pre­vi­ous pur­chas­es, and so on.”

At this indi­vid­ual lev­el, we can move beyond web-based tar­get­ing, and begin to offer rel­e­vant mes­sag­ing in apps, email, and even con­nect­ed devices. Per­son­al­i­sa­tion becomes auto­mat­ed across all chan­nels, includ­ing apps, mul­ti­page sites, and even devices on the Inter­net of Things (IoT).

That’s where gran­u­lar tar­get­ing shows its true power.

brighton-personalization-part-3 Depth in delivery

The IoT offers unprece­dent­ed ways of reach­ing cus­tomers on an indi­vid­ual basis. Just as con­sis­tent cross-chan­nel mes­sag­ing is more pow­er­ful than a mes­sage on a sin­gle chan­nel, gran­u­lar tar­get­ing on con­nect­ed devices pro­vides oppor­tu­ni­ties for con­sis­tent cross-sell­ing and up-sell­ing across web, mobile, and oth­er devices that a con­sumer might use to engage with your brand. We call this depth in deliv­ery.

At Adobe, we recent­ly achieved sig­nif­i­cant depth in deliv­ery when we inte­grat­ed Adobe Rec­om­men­da­tions with the PlaySta­tion Store, to com­ple­ment retail sales and acquire new cus­tomers. By pulling behav­iour­al data from PlaySta­tion Net­work users, then com­bin­ing this data with pro­gres­sive pro­files of cus­tomers’ behav­iour on web, mobile, and oth­er chan­nels, we were able to pro­mote new con­tent dis­cov­ery based on pre­vi­ous pur­chas­es and social net­work activ­i­ty, for 64 mil­lion active PlaySta­tion Net­work users in 60 countries.

When users pur­chased or inves­ti­gat­ed cer­tain PlaySta­tion games, our auto­mat­ed tar­get­ing sys­tem offered them a pro­mo­tion­al code, redeemable on the PlaySta­tion Net­work for in-game con­tent. These redeemable codes direct­ly drove new pur­chase activ­i­ty, all across the world.

Despite the pow­er of gran­u­lar tar­get­ing tech­niques, it’s cru­cial to keep in mind that nei­ther end of the Per­son­al­i­sa­tion Spec­trum is inher­ent­ly “bet­ter” than the oth­er. In fact, tech­niques all along the spec­trum are cru­cial for reach­ing dif­fer­ent audi­ence seg­ments via dif­fer­ent channels—for exam­ple, you don’t have to start with seg­ment tar­get­ing and then mature to automation—there are many gains to be had by turn­ing on auto­mat­ed per­son­al­i­sa­tion as soon as pos­si­ble to your users.

By bring­ing data and con­tent together—from the broad tac­tics of pre­scrip­tive pro­fil­ing to the most gran­u­lar indi­vid­u­alised messaging—we can reach our entire audi­ence, and max­imise the effec­tive­ness of every mar­ket­ing invest­ment we make.