Real-World Experience Develops Real-World Skills

This is one article in a series on addressing the need employers have for real-world ready workers. What do real-world skills look like? How can science and math combine with creativity in the classroom? Watch for future articles on ideas to inspire the necessary creativity and innovation, while teaching and learning specific skills.

Students across the U.S. have headed back to class, but as we embark on a new school year we have to question: are we preparing kids to be real-world ready? A recent PayScale Study suggests we have more work to do. The research revealed half of hiring managers in the U.S. don’t believe recent college graduates are prepared with the most important skills for the workforce. Surprisingly, employers are not citing technical skills as a gap, but rather critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration and creativity.

Whatever the underlying reason, the challenge for educators, graduates, and corporations is real. And, it’s going to take a joint effort to solve the skills gap. I see three ways we are making progress.

Looking Forward

For us, working with students was a great way to change our perspective and to solve problems that we are implementing today. For the students, this was a chance to use the knowledge they had gained from the classroom and apply it to a business challenge. On their resume, they will have an example of a real-world business problem that they were able to solve.

This fall, we’ll be working with students on more projects – gaining insight from their ideas while providing real-world experiences for them. As we head into this back to school season, I am thinking about how we can do more. The world’s most creative companies are customers of Adobe’s Creative Cloud. We are working on a few ideas to bring opportunities at these creative companies to our student community. In the meantime, what are you doing to spark creativity in the classroom and bridge learning with real-life experiences?