Adobe Submits Certification to EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
Posted by Wade Sherman, Chief Privacy Officer (Acting)
Earlier today, Adobe submitted its certification for the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield to the U.S. Department of Commerce for the transfer of personal data from the European Economic Area (EEA) to the United States. As part of Adobe’s commitment to privacy, transparency, and choice, we will comply with the Privacy Shield Principles for the collection and transfer of personal data of our individual users as well as the personal data Adobe processes on behalf of our business customers of Adobe Creative Cloud, Document Cloud and Marketing Cloud. For more information, including details on the scope of our certification, visit the Adobe Privacy Center (Privacy Shield / European data transfers).
In addition to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, Adobe will continue to support the use of European Commission-approved Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) for our business customers whose use of Adobe solutions results in the transfer of personal data from the EEA to non-EEA countries. Business customers who prefer to authorize transfers of personal data using SCCs may request incorporation of Adobe’s Data Processing Agreement, which includes the SCCs, by completing the request form on the Adobe Privacy Center.
The recent adoption of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield is a demonstration of the strong partnership between the European Union and the United States, and another key step in increasing consumer and business confidence in U.S. privacy protections. We urge the European Data Protection Authorities and the European Court of Justice to stand behind all current data transfer mechanisms approved by the European Commission to ensure the uninterrupted flow of data the global economy has come to rely on.