Branding: A Strategic Imperative For High-Tech Marketers

In a world of big data marketing and mandatory ROI, branding spending is difficult to justify as its impact can appear intangible.

Branding: A Strategic Imperative For High-Tech Marketers

When I first started my career in high-tech B2B marketing, I didn’t know what branding was. I was trained in product management and product marketing, and in my mind if the product was good, that was all the company needed.

Some 20 years later, I know differently and have learned to use branding as a strategic tool. In today’s high-tech world, branding is not always top of mind for many marketing executives. Unless a company has just hired a brand new CMO who wants to leave a mark, goes through major changes such as a merger, or undergoes a departure from a product line, branding is usually a tool better left for consumer companies.

In a world of big data marketing and mandatory ROI, branding spending is difficult to justify as its impact can appear intangible. It takes time for a new brand initiative to bring results when the building of a brand does not occur overnight.

The question is: Why would you engage in a branding initiative in an industry where investors and shareholders have little patience? Well, here are a few reasons why we should consider branding as a key strategic imperative for enterprise software or cloud services, especially in a high-growth environment.

More specific to software and SaaS services, consider these three additional reasons:

In a Forbes article, Scott Goodson from New York branding agency StrawberryFrog compared brands to “Russian dolls with many layers, tenets, and beliefs that can create a following, whereas products are one-dimensional.”

Brands can rally a growing base of employees long after founders and early employees get outnumbered by new staff. Brands can accelerate the depth of an ecosystem of partners. Brands can affirm customers’ choices and turn them into referrals. Brands are what create an emotional link between a company and its audience.

For all these reasons, we should look at branding as a critical strategic imperative. A brand is the identity of a company. And identity is everything.