Adobe Email Survey 2016: Infographic

Across Europe, we’re addict­ed to emails and are spend­ing more time writ­ing, read­ing and reply­ing to them than ever before. It’s lit­er­al­ly tak­ing up months’ worth of our time each year and we’re doing it every­where we go, with work and per­son­al emails over­lap­ping. New research on our email habits also shows that emo­jis are now reg­u­lar fea­tures in our mes­sages – with smil­ing and wink­ing faces lit­tered through­out. Check out our info­graph­ic on how Ger­man, French and British email­ers com­pare, and for more per­spec­tive and stats on how email is chang­ing, read our blog: Adobe Email Sur­vey 2016
