The Unexpected Impact Of Call Conversions On Digital Marketing ROI

For marketers who have yet to include call conversions in their performance metrics, there’s good news and bad news.

The Unexpected Impact Of Call Conversions On Digital Marketing ROI

It’s no secret that digital marketing has gone mobile. According to Google, more searches now occur on smartphones than any other device, and more than half of all web traffic from digital channels comes from mobile. CMOs and their marketing teams have responded by shifting digital advertising dollars to target consumers on their smartphones and mobile devices, with mobile ad spending in the U.S. growing 45% this year to become 64% of all digital advertising.

But what may not be as widely known is that the growing popularity of smartphones and mobile advertising has changed the way consumers shop and convert online. When smartphone users engage with mobile ads and website content, they often convert by calling. According to research by analyst firm BIA/Kelsey:

For marketers who have yet to include call conversions in their performance metrics, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that your marketing is driving more conversions and business than you think. And the CPL (cost per lead) and CPA (cost per acquisition) of your digital campaigns are actually much lower—perhaps 50% lower—than you’ve been reporting.

The bad news, however, is that you’ve been making budget-allocation and campaign-optimization decisions based on incomplete and potentially misleading data. That could mean you’ve been investing in channels, campaigns, ads, keywords, and content that are underperforming, while shifting spend away from more profitable activities.

What Data Should Marketers Capture?

Marketers can capture a wealth of data from call conversions that will help prove and improve digital marketing ROI. This includes:

Advanced Call-Related Strategies

Marketers can use this call data to drive more conversions and customers at lower costs, while also helping their sales teams convert more callers to customers. Here’s how:

Attribution has become the most important challenge in digital marketing, and smartphones have made it only more difficult by making calls the conversion of choice for many consumers. For marketers, eliminating the blind spot that calls create in your data and leveraging the insights calls provide make it easier to improve ROI and become the true revenue-generator your businesses need you to be.