Learn to Code Series: HTML Basics, Resources and Activities

As designers, it’s our job to push boundaries, improve user experience, and support company goals, but sometimes it’s hard to know what’s possible with our designs without knowing what’s possible with code. The goal of this Learn to Code series is to give designers and code enthusiasts the foundation they need to start their coding journey. With these fundamentals, you can begin to explore what’s possible with code and ultimately what’s possible with design.

This post will provide a guide to resources and activities you can use to continue learning HTML, as well as an activity to reinforce what you learned in our Facebook Live session (view a recording below).


View the completed project files from our live stream.

Learn to Code Activity

Use this Dreamweaver CC activity to continue working on the project you started in the first Facebook Live session!

All About HTML

These resources give in-depth information about HTML and will help reinforce concepts and terminology you learned in our first Facebook Live session.

Practicing HTML

These resources give you a chance to practice your HTML skills:

Learn Dreamweaver CC

These CC Learn resources from Adobe will help you dive into all of the features that make Dreamweaver a great tool for coding.

Take the Next Step

These resources will help you take your HTML to the next level.

Resources for New Coders

These resources are a few of the most popular for beginner and advanced coders alike.

Complete Learn to Code Series: