Presenting the 25 Finalists of the 2016 Sundance Ignite “What’s Next?” Challenge
375 films submitted by filmmakers from 29 countries – that’s What’s Next! Thank you to everyone who participated, submitted and amplified the 2016 Sundance Ignite “What’s Next?” short film challenge!
Here are the finalists for this year’s challenge selected by the Sundance Institute:
La Casa Quebrada **by Emiliana Ammirata
**The Unveiling by Ryan BloomLa Siembra by Esteban CruzBreathe In Breathe Out by Sachin DharwadkerBlessing **by Maria Dibizheva
**RUN **by Thea Gajic
**Putting the Fire Out by Leah GalantOk, Call Me Back by Emily Ann HoffmanPersephone Goes Home by Laura HollidayHead Space by Emma HuibregtseGrandpa, Remember Me? by Alex KambZero Star Hotel by Vasilis KekatosMile Down Lake Street by Dylan McGaleComedians by Johanna NybergPangaea by Olivia PeaceBurning in Birmingham by Tyler RabinowitzStandby by Charlotte ReganPart II by Minnie SchedeenDOG JR by Matt SorensenThe Wizard in the Woods by George SummersSunshine and Rain by Vish VallabhaneniMoko: A Film About a Maori Poet by Félix VaunoisExes by Aden WexbergThe Final Wish by Linhan ZhangCan I Please Go To the Bathroom? **by Jessie Zinn
Winners will be announced November 18th. Watch and vote on all of the finalists’ films today at and follow @Project1324 for challenge updates.