When the only constant is change – keeping up with challenges of digital transformation
Adobe’s recent research of marketers in the UK, the Adobe Digital Roadblock, suggests that technology is somewhat of a double-edged sword: on the one hand, it is no longer possible to function without it; on the other hand, a large number of people feel overwhelmed or even anxious by it.
Looking at the results of the research, it appears that a lack of knowledge and skills in implementing, or even keeping up with the new technologies people feel necessary to succeed in their jobs, is a big factor in causing anxiety. Just 15% of those who responded to the survey said they identified themselves as tech-savvy, and just over a half (54%) said they felt they had the right technology skills to do their jobs. With technology now such a central function in the workplace, this is not uncommon.
This is an area that needs to be addressed from the top – business leaders and boards is that they must put in place the right cultural and strategic conditions so that technology is embraced and welcomed by the wider workforce, not just millennials and techies. It is no longer enough to have the right technologies in place — the big competitive advantage will come from integrating tech with the human elements of talent and potential.
But, there are some immediate things to remember and to do to try and avoid becoming overwhelmed by technology complexity:
- Keep learning: although it is easy to turn your fears and anxieties into denial and avoidance, there is no other way to cope with new technologies than to remain up-to-date with them. You may not like it, but the alternative is worse: more anxiety and less productivity.
- Team-up with geeks: today geeks are the new rock stars, and what’s great about them is their enthusiasm to share their tech knowledge. Use this to your advantage – either by learning from them or by asking them to help with your tech issues.
- Never stop thinking: technology should not be the tail that wags the dog; everybody today has access to it, so the key differentiator is ideas and intuition. Keep your mind active and creative so that it’s you who’s in the driving seat.
- Indulge in some digital detox: following the previous point, it is important that you have some offline time in order to read, think, and rest. Whether it’s a few hours in your working day or a full day a week, there are lots of benefits to some quality downtime, especially when it comes to getting your creative juices flowing.
- Focus on productivity: technology is about doing more with less; therefore, it only makes sense to use it if it makes you more productive. In other words, technology is a means to an end rather than an end in itself. You should pick and choose the tech that enhances the quality or quantity of your work while reducing your input or efforts. This will allow you to focus on what’s important for your business and your role.
You can download the full report here: Adobe Digital Roadblock EMEA