Adobe Digital Roadblock: Infographic

With dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion accel­er­at­ing, mar­keters have more choice than ever in terms of how they reach their audi­ences. On the flip side, cus­tomers have more pow­er than ever to engage with brands on their own terms. All cus­tomers have a voice now: the age of dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion is the age of cus­tomer empowerment.

This is both a mas­sive chal­lenge and an oppor­tu­ni­ty for mar­keters. In order to stand out in this new world, they need to be devel­op­ing and dri­ving brand expe­ri­ences than can engage their audi­ences in more per­son­al ways.

Adobe recent­ly sur­veyed 1300 senior mar­keters in Europe to see where they are on this journey—the state of their pro­fes­sion, their biggest per­ceived chal­lenges, and how they see the way forward…
