Travel Marketers Must Learn To Deal With Great Expectations

What happens when consumers unknowingly transpose the elevated expectations of technology brands onto travel brands?

Travel Marketers Must Learn To Deal With Great Expectations

The evolution of technology has largely outpaced the ability of most businesses to harness that technology in reaching their true potential. So what happens when consumers unknowingly transpose the elevated expectations of technology brands—like Amazon, Apple, and Facebook, which power individual experiences that are fully informed by the context of a consumer’s history of behaviors, choices and purchases—onto travel (hospitality, airline, and booking) brands?

What impact do expectations of immediate, highly personalized interactions have on the travel process itself? What are the new, unmet needs of consumers? Finally, what are the risks to brands operating in this new environment if they continue to play by the old rules?

To answer these questions, AMP and BLITZ surveyed U.S. travelers between the ages of 18 and 55 who had taken a leisure trip within the past year. Our research and analysis uncovers the changing attitudes and behaviors of travelers throughout their journey. We also identify three significant areas of opportunity for travel brands.

(Click on chart to enlarge in new tab.)

Click here to read the white paper (short registration required).