Are You Making the Best Case for a Better DAM?

Mar­keters feel unprece­dent­ed pres­sure to pro­duce more con­tent in less time. Con­sumer atten­tion spans are short. They want results fast so they can get on with the rest of their lives. To meet this chal­lenge, we need more per­son­al­i­sa­tion on more chan­nels with more cam­paigns, all deliv­ered faster than ever. These needs con­verge to cre­ate a demand for con­tent veloc­i­ty that is the per­fect storm seem­ing­ly guar­an­teed to sink any mar­ket­ing ship.

You may think that the last thing to con­sid­er in weath­er­ing this storm is Dig­i­tal Asset Man­age­ment (DAM). His­tor­i­cal­ly, DAM is a stor­age solu­tion, and you know that a faster hard dri­ve is not going to help you stem the ris­ing tide. Next-gen­er­a­tion (next-gen) DAM goes far beyond stor­age to inte­grate cre­ative mar­ket­ing cam­paigns across all mar­ket­ing teams, all plat­forms and chan­nels, and across all stages of the cus­tomer life­cy­cle. You feel the need for bet­ter process­es con­stant­ly, so how do you make a case to fund this to those who are more removed from battle?

Describe Your Cur­rent State of DAM in Con­crete Terms

Can you chart the path of a typ­i­cal asset from cre­ation to pub­li­ca­tion? You have mul­ti­ple team mem­bers and stake­hold­ers, from cre­ative to legal to cam­paign man­age­ment, pub­lish­ing on mul­ti­ple chan­nels, from web to in-store to email and social. Are they all using their own stor­age solu­tions? That asset is trav­el­ing a maze of path­ways and resides in mul­ti­ple copies on a vari­ety of servers. If you could dia­gram this, it would form a tan­gled web of con­fu­sion and com­plex­i­ty. Mul­ti­ply by the num­ber of assets in use (can you even deter­mine this num­ber?) and it becomes clear­er why time-to-mar­ket is so long, and also clear­er how next-gen DAM could help your teams do more faster.

Here are some signs that you need a next-gen DAM solution:

Show How Next-Gen DAM Relieves These Pain Points

Next-gen DAM inte­grates con­tent cre­ation and man­age­ment across all stake­hold­ers through­out the mar­ket­ing cycle. Key cre­ation process­es are auto­mat­ed, allow­ing you to start with one mas­ter image that is then auto­mat­i­cal­ly resized, re-encod­ed if it is video, and retouched to meet the require­ments of any screen size or pub­lish­ing plat­form. Auto­mat­ed work­flows can change in real time in response to meta­da­ta, cre­at­ing smart con­tent tar­get­ed to each spe­cif­ic inter­ac­tion. These capa­bil­i­ties reduce or elim­i­nate the time spent on repet­i­tive tasks, trans­form­ing DAM into the foun­da­tion of scal­able per­son­al­i­sa­tion in every cam­paign with a dra­mat­i­cal­ly reduced time to mar­ket, let­ting you deliv­er more cam­paigns in less time and dri­ving rev­enue growth.

Stor­age and man­age­ment func­tions soar to the next lev­el as well. A cen­tral repos­i­to­ry for assets trans­forms that tan­gled asset trail you tried to draw before into a clean, eas­i­ly under­stood path­way. As assets are entered into the sys­tem, as much as 75 per­cent of essen­tial meta­da­ta is cap­tured auto­mat­i­cal­ly, reduc­ing the time spent on this tedious but nec­es­sary task. Not only can you now find the asset you want in a flash, but you also will know that it is the cor­rect ver­sion and is licensed cor­rect­ly, as well as how many times and where it has been used and how well it performed.

The capa­bil­i­ties of next-gen DAM will low­er pro­duc­tion costs as you elim­i­nate the costs of reshoot­ing, cre­at­ing, and retouch­ing deriv­a­tive images for mul­ti­ple plat­forms. Stor­age costs will be reduced as you elim­i­nate dupli­cate copies of assets, and the poten­tial for cost­ly licens­ing vio­la­tions will be great­ly reduced. Not only do you boost con­tent veloc­i­ty, but you do it at low­er cost as well. DAM has trans­formed from a sta­t­ic library into the core of a dynam­ic mar­ket­ing machine.

Are you ready to make your case? Down­load our whitepa­per for more details and strategies.