Disruptive Growth Falls To CMOs—As Does Blame: Accenture Report

First the good news: A full 50% of CEOs see their CMOs as the primary driver of disruptive growth in their organizations—ahead of C-suite titles that include strategy and sales.

Disruptive Growth Falls To CMOs—As Does Blame: Accenture Report

First the good news: A full 50% of CEOs see their CMOs as the primary driver of disruptive growth in their organizations—ahead of C-suite titles that include strategy and sales.

Now the bad news: Guess who is most likely to shoulder the blame if growth targets aren’t met?

Those are just a few of the findings from Accenture Strategy’s new “CMO Insights 2016” report of 535 CEOs and 847 CMOs from organizations around the world. The report also includes analysis about CMOs’ sense of control over disruptive business growth, how much time they are spending on innovation, and obstacles in their way of delivering expected results.

Click here to read the full report.