‘Marketing Today’: Drew Miller, Roll Cast Advisors

Marketing done well forms meaningful relationships between companies and people. “The days of one-way conversations are long behind us,” said Drew Miller, founder/CEO of Texas-based consultancy Roll Cast Advisors.

‘Marketing Today’: Drew Miller, Roll Cast Advisors

Drew Miller thinks marketing done well forms meaningful relationships between companies and people. And meaningful relationships grow and thrive when companies deliver something that’s really important to the customer.

“You always want to know your customer,” said Miller, founder and CEO of Roll Cast Advisors, in Austin, Texas. “You want to speak in ways and at places that really matter to them—and increasingly do it in a way that it’s a two-way street. The days of one-way conversations are long behind us.”

Miller founded his marketing and strategy consultancy a little over a year ago after a 15-year stint in various marketing positions at Dell. Roll Cast Advisors seeks to help high-growth B2B companies create marketing strategies that achieve activation and deliver results.

Highlights from this week’s “Marketing Today” podcast include:


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