Telegraph Media achieves leadership through digital diversity

The news­pa­per indus­try has had to make sig­nif­i­cant changes to adapt to the new ways that peo­ple access news and infor­ma­tion. Print read­er­ship is declin­ing, tak­ing adver­tis­ing rev­enues with it and forc­ing tra­di­tion­al news providers such as Tele­graph Media Group to seek new ways to deliv­er con­tent and gen­er­ate revenue.

Tele­graph Media has been on the van­guard of mixed media news com­pa­nies, launch­ing the first news­pa­per group web­site in 1994 and con­tin­u­ing today with desk­top and mobile web­sites and mobile apps that gath­er cus­tomer infor­ma­tion and per­son­al­ize expe­ri­ences based on each reader’s behav­ior and pref­er­ences. One of the keys to Tele­graph Media’s suc­cess has been speed, aid­ed by Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud.

“I’ve worked in oth­er news­rooms that claim to be web-first, but the Tele­graph is the only place that feels like a tru­ly mul­ti­plat­form news­room,” says Tele­graph Media Group CIO Chris Tay­lor. “With Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er Assets, jour­nal­ists can upload con­tent and imme­di­ate­ly pub­lish it to the web, or adapt it for print, mobile apps, and social media feeds.”

The com­pa­ny worked close­ly with Adobe Con­sult­ing Ser­vices to uncov­er cus­tomer insights and max­i­mize the return on its invest­ment in Mar­ket­ing Cloud solu­tions. Tele­graph Media uses Adobe Ana­lyt­ics to opti­mize links, rec­om­men­da­tions, and page design to help keep read­ers engaged and Adobe Cam­paign to seg­ment read­ers by known inter­ests and online behav­iors to deliv­er more-rel­e­vant con­tent. For read­ers, this means receiv­ing emails that high­light con­tent and pro­mo­tions that cap­ture their inter­ests. The same infor­ma­tion can help adver­tis­ers tar­get inter­est­ed audi­ences, thus achiev­ing bet­ter returns on their invest­ments and adding rev­enues to Tele­graph Media’s bot­tom line.