Infographic: 92% Of World’s Online Population Use Emojis

Mobile messaging app and emoji use has reached widespread adoption as a way consumers express themselves, according to the newly released “2016 Emoji Report.”

Infographic: 92% Of World’s Online Population Use Emojis

Mobile messaging app and emoji use has reached widespread adoption as a way consumers express themselves, according to the newly released “2016 Emoji Report.”

The report shows monthly active use of messaging apps has eclipsed social media, and daily use is rapidly accelerating. On a monthly basis, Facebook Messenger is used by over 60% of U.S. consumers, followed by Apple’s iMessage, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Kik, and other apps.

Despite more monthly average users on Messenger, iMessage dominates in user engagement, with over half of its base using it several times a day. The next best is WhatsApp, which has half of that level of engagement.

The report also found that emojis are the fastest-growing language worldwide–with an astounding 2.3 trillion mobile messages expected to incorporate emojis this year. Today, emojis are leveraged by 92% of the world’s online population.

Among the “Emoji Elite,” or heavy mobile message users:

A number of brands–including Burger King, Dove, Gatorade, Pepsi, and Taco Bell–have already tapped into the power of branded emojis. According to the report, U.S. consumers want stronger emoji options across categories (e.g., not just a dog emoji but dog breeds; not just a coffee emoji but specific drinks; not just beer emoji but specific beer brands). In fact, half of U.S. consumers would use a branded emoji as an alternative in messaging if given the option.

Click here for the full report.