Nestle — Blending the right online and offline ingredients for consistent customer dialogs

Good mar­ket­ing should feel like a nat­ur­al con­ver­sa­tion, accord­ing to Nes­tle. That’s why the glob­al food and bev­er­age con­glom­er­ate uses Adobe Cam­paign in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud to help com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers in real time across online and offline channels.

“We’re not in a prod­uct and ser­vice indus­try any­more. It’s, like, all about experience—it’s giv­ing goose­bumps,” says Bet­ty Bakkali, Cus­tomer Rela­tion­ship Man­age­ment Acti­va­tion Man­ag­er, Nes­tle. “You need to real­ly be able to engage them on some­thing that is just dear to them. So, data enables that.”

Nes­tle con­sol­i­dat­ed siloed data from web, mobile, social, and offline chan­nels, mar­ket­ing cam­paign results, and oth­er cus­tomer touch­points into Adobe Cam­paign. Now, Nes­tle deliv­ers rel­e­vant mes­sages at the right time auto­mat­i­cal­ly, thus elim­i­nat­ing both guess­work and man­u­al process­es. Addi­tion­al­ly, Nes­tle can test mul­ti­ple cam­paign ele­ments in mul­ti­ple lan­guages to cre­ate refined audi­ence seg­ments and improve mar­ket­ing cam­paign effectiveness