Nedbank unifies banking and brand experiences with new digital foundation

South Africa’s banks are as unique as its cit­i­zens. As com­mu­ni­ties con­tin­ue to work toward a unit­ed cit­i­zen­ship, grow­ing banks like Ned­bank are work­ing to build their brands after merg­ers and acqui­si­tions have result­ed in frag­ment­ed and incon­sis­tent experiences.

Not only does Ned­bank want to improve on its cur­rent rank­ing as the fourth-largest bank in South Africa, it wants to become the most admired. “Our path to get­ting there is paved by a com­mon lan­guage of data, focus­ing on cus­tomer needs, and find­ing bet­ter ways to do busi­ness,” says Lizelle Vaugh­an, Pro­gram Direc­tor for Dig­i­tal Expe­ri­ence Man­age­ment at Nedbank.

That’s where Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud comes in. Adobe solu­tions, like Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er and Ana­lyt­ics, give Ned­bank a stan­dard way for dif­fer­ent inter­nal teams to cre­ate con­sis­tent dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences and achieve greater insight on cus­tomer inter­ac­tions with the company’s var­i­ous bank­ing groups. Now, sim­ple, data-dri­ve changes—such as list­ing cred­it cards in order of cus­tomer inter­est instead of alphabetically—are dri­ving tan­gi­ble busi­ness results.

With a foun­da­tion in place for deliv­er­ing new online expe­ri­ences, Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud shapes every­thing from design, how the bank inter­acts with cus­tomers, where it invests resources, and more.

“We’ve come a long way since we start­ed our transformation—from oper­at­ing in silos to becom­ing a uni­fied bank­ing team under one flag,” says Vaugh­an. “Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud has enabled us to build a stronger dig­i­tal foun­da­tion on mar­ket­ing best prac­tices, data, and cus­tomer-cen­tered expe­ri­ences that will help us become the top bank in South Africa.”

Read the sto­ry to learn more about Nedbank’s bank­ing transformation.