USOC CMO Lisa Baird ‘The Epitome Of Long-Range Marketer’

With the Olympic Games occurring years apart, Lisa Baird, CMO of the United States Olympic Committee, discussed how she maintains focus on long-term marketing goals.

USOC CMO Lisa Baird ‘The Epitome Of Long-Range Marketer’

Lisa Baird was named CMO of the United States Olympic Committee in 2009. Prior, she served in brand and marketing roles for Proctor & Gamble, GM, IBM, and the NFL, among others.

With the Olympic Games occurring years apart, Baird touched on how she maintains focus on long-term marketing goals: “The better and more articulate and more precise your mission and your purpose is—that needs to act as your long-term guide, she said. “You should measure everything you do against, ‘Are you fulfilling that mission and purpose?’ … Putting the right measurements in place for the long term help you to keep that true north on your compass.”

But even though her goals invariably seem to reside on a distant horizon, she avoids the predictive, instead focusing on something she believes will remain constant: “Marketers who always focus on their customers’ or their stakeholders’ problems—and listen to them and solve their problems—will always win,” she said.

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