New Tech, Small Screens, Programmatic Fuel Rise Of Digital Content

In this forward-looking report, four digital media experts examine what the digital media landscape–including content, publishing technologies, and online advertising–will look like in 2017 and beyond.

New Tech, Small Screens, Programmatic Fuel Rise Of Digital Content

During the last decade, the explosion of digital content has radically transformed the publishing industry. More rich-media, more short-form content, and more economical ways of delivering content to mobile devices are just a few of the changes happening across the industry. As print magazines and newspapers have continued to wane in both number and influence, online content has stepped into the limelight, capturing new audiences, readers, and the advertising dollars that publishers seek.

Fueled by the globalization and digitalization of journalism around the globe, today’s content framework has shifted dramatically, increasingly created based on what viewers want to see rather than on the inherent value of the idea or the heart of the content itself.

So what’s next?

Consumers of content, and the people and companies who create it, can expect more influence from search engines and data-driven algorithms, and more relevant, contextual advertising. Publishers can anticipate a revolution marked by artificial intelligence-based tools that make video creation a technological snap. Movie theaters and museums might be transformed by full-sensory, virtual reality-inspired digital experiences that open doors to new audiences, new technologies, and more opportunities in the world of content.

In this forward-looking report, “Digital Publishing & Content Trends in 2017,” four digital media experts examine what the digital media landscape–including content, publishing technologies, and online advertising–will look like in 2017 and beyond.

Click here to read the report.