Beyond Compliance: Diverse Teams Are A Strategic Imperative

How can we do our part in helping organizations be more successful by encouraging diversity at all levels and including women’s perspectives, in particular?

Beyond Compliance: Diverse Teams Are A Strategic Imperative

The accelerated pace of change, influenced by rapid advances in technology, is forcing businesses to innovate business models, operating processes, talent acquisition and retention strategies, and customer experience–on almost every level.

Recognizing innovation occurs at the nexus of disparate ideas coming together in completely new ways, why would we exclude anyone from participating? It’s time to advance the role of diversity as an imperative in today’s dynamic business environment, not simply allow it to be an act of compliance.

We all see the world through different lenses–lenses that are shaped by our life experiences, our values, the places we’ve been, the people we’ve known, the traditions we respect, and much more. Diversity is far broader than the predictable categorizations we use, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, religious, or political beliefs. Although these elements can often be used as proxies for the different experiences that contribute to diverse perspectives, we are each unique individuals with our own thoughts, perspectives, and ways of solving problems.

The more lenses through which we examine a problem, the more chances we have to discover a truly novel solution. Today, on International Women’s Day, it’s especially important to recognize, in particular, the perspective women can offer–and how much this perspective is still missing from the corporate innovation process. I and many others have examined why women have been excluded from participating in innovation, asking whether there’s an untapped market for reinventing the future. We need their point of view–their lens on the world. How can we do our part in helping organizations be more successful by encouraging diversity at all levels and including women’s perspectives, in particular?

Diversity is not a compliance exercise. It’s a strategic imperative for any business to survive and ultimately thrive.

Join us for a panel at Adobe Summit, co-sponsored by PwC and Adobe, featuring leaders across a variety of disciplines as they discuss their unique approaches to foster and source innovation, cultivate leaders with an innovation mindset, and build a sustainable culture of innovation in an increasingly global environment.

Click here to learn more about the panel.

Click here to learn more about Adobe Summit and to register (use code CMDC17 for a $200 discount).