Further Insights on Creative Content Marketing: Creating a Craving for Your Brand

Choco­late needs almost no adver­tis­ing. There’s some­thing inher­ent­ly delight­ful about it, from the way it tastes to how it makes us feel. Choco­late is not a need, but many con­sumers feel it as one, and it’s the crav­ing that dri­ves con­sumers toward this sweet treat that you want peo­ple to expe­ri­ence when they think about your brand.

In an ear­li­er report, Achiev­ing Deli­cious­ness: Adapt­ing to an Increas­ing­ly Con­tent-Hun­gry World, we com­pared a brand’s con­tent strat­e­gy to the ways con­sumers are engaged by real­ly good choco­late. Choco­late lovers enjoy their choco­late, but they also expect it to meet cer­tain high stan­dards of taste, tex­ture, and creaminess—just as con­sumers expect the dig­i­tal con­tent they con­sume to be rel­e­vant, engag­ing, and appro­pri­ate to the channel.

Con­sumers encounter con­tent from a vari­ety of sources every sin­gle day. As a result, they’ve devel­oped increas­ing­ly high­er expec­ta­tions for the con­tent they choose to engage with. Most busi­ness­es know that a con­tent strat­e­gy is impor­tant, but it’s not enough to just pro­duce con­tent. With count­less com­peti­tors in the mar­ket, your brand’s con­tent must stand out from the rest.

Accord­ing to the Achiev­ing Deli­cious­ness report, mil­len­ni­al con­sumers not only have high expec­ta­tions; they’re also eas­i­ly dis­tract­ed, often mul­ti­task­ing any­time the oppor­tu­ni­ty presents itself. They’re also engag­ing with con­tent on mul­ti­ple devices, so brands need to not only cre­ate great con­tent, but also adapt it to the strengths of var­i­ous chan­nels. To stand above the com­pe­ti­tion, brands need to pro­duce more and bet­ter con­tent at a high­er rate than ever before.

The chal­lenge for brands to mass pro­duce con­tent has nev­er been greater. Our lat­est report, Mass Pro­duc­ing Deli­cious­ness: How Enter­prise Can Accel­er­ate Con­tent Cre­ation for Hun­gry Con­sumers, offers some key insights from Adobe experts, as well as exam­ples from suc­cess­ful busi­ness­es, for brands who want to meet the chal­lenge of pro­vid­ing amaz­ing cus­tomer expe­ri­ences through cre­ative content.

With Mass Pro­duc­ing Deli­cious­ness, mar­ket­ing lead­ers will learn from those who are on the front­lines cre­at­ing con­tent that makes con­sumers hun­gry for their brand. They’ll learn how to rethink their con­tent strat­e­gy and work­flow to pro­duce the kind of con­tent con­sumers will line up for—and pro­duce it faster. Addi­tion­al­ly, as con­sumers’ tastes change and mobile apps and oth­er new channels—such as wear­ables and Inter­net of Things—become top-sell­ing fla­vors, organ­i­sa­tions need to rethink their design tools to take advan­tage of the strengths of each channel.

Check out the insights in Mass Pro­duc­ing Deli­cious­ness and learn how your team can cre­ate deli­cious con­tent that will have con­sumers ask­ing for more.