Five Steps to Personalize Your Mobile Experience for Better Customer Engagement

Mobile devices are everywhere, and brands are trying to crack the code for how to increase customer engagement on mobile apps — they are getting downloads but want better in-app conversion rates. What many brands fail to realize is that personalizing their customer experiences is the key they have been searching for to create the engaging mobile experiences their customers crave.

Five Steps to Personalize Your Mobile Experience
When you’re thinking through your mobile strategy, it can be difficult sometimes to know where to start. These five steps will help you navigate through the personalization process for your mobile strategy.

1. Determine How You Can Pique People’s Interests.
This is a key question to ask yourself when launching any mobile strategy. You must think through not just what you want to gain from your mobile campaign, but also what will make the campaign interesting or relevant to customers. If they don’t find your mobile experience worthwhile, they are unlikely to engage regularly with you on mobile — or possibly interact with your brand at all.

2. Use Analytics to Drive Personalization.
If you are gathering the right customer intelligence from your users’ mobile experiences, are you properly using those insights to optimize your personalization strategy? Multichannel analytics — mobile app analytics being an integral part — should drive targeting, segmentation, personalization, and ad placement. If you want your mobile strategy to be as successful as possible, you collect the most business-relevant insights and use actionable, context-appropriate marketing actions for the user segment(s) in question.

3. Simplify Your Mobile Experience.
Based on what paths your users are taking through your app, you can suggest relevant marketing actions for them and present them with messaging and offers that they’re most likely to be interested in. It’s important to realize that time — or, as some analysts call it, ‘mobile moments’ — is a valuable commodity for your high-value customers. As a result, personalizing your mobile experience in ways that make their lives easier is likely to yield the best outcome. For instance, if you know a customer bought a particular gadget, you could give him or her tips on how to use it more effectively or use messaging tools for real-time support.

4. Treat Mobile Conversions Differently Than Desktop.
By definition, mobile app users are on the go, moving from one contextual environment to another. Mobile conversions are vastly different from desktop conversions because — by virtue of being ‘mobile’ — you often have far more information about mobile customers than desktop customers. This gives you the ability to personalize your marketing actions with a higher degree of granularity. Whether that means tailoring in-app messaging to optimize their experiences or helping them avoid filling out yet another inconvenient form on mobile because you already have that information, you should treat mobile conversions in an entirely different manner from how you treat those on desktops.

5. Continuously Work to Improve Your App and Its Features.
This step applies to your mobile app as well as the features within it. If you want to know how successful your app or any of its features are, let the insights tell you the story. If a particular feature is not being used, is causing users to ‘fall out’ of your desired journey (to conversion), or is not being used by a particular segment of customers, it’s important to find out why. Continually iterating on your app based on what you think are the causes behind the observed (and undesirable) behaviors can be critical to your overall success. This allows you to make sure that your app is tailored and provides the desired experiences to the customers who are most important to you.

Bottom Line
If you want your mobile strategy to be successful, it’s important to motivate your customers to actually use your app. To do this, your mobile experience must engage your customers in a highly personalized, contextual fashion. If you don’t give them a compelling reason to use your app, it will likely be deleted, thereby depriving your customers and your brand of its value.

My recommendations are based on customer conversations and benefits I have seen world-class, industry-leading brands derive across a multitude of industry verticals.

For more on mobile strategy, tips, and advice, check out my last blog post.