Infographic: Retail Driving Trends in Customer Experience

Retail, more than any oth­er indus­try, is bring­ing dig­i­tal style to its mar­kets to bet­ter engage and serve cus­tomers. In fact, the 2016 Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Sur­vey found that 65 per­cent of retail mar­keters con­sid­ered their dig­i­tal efforts to be “focused” or “advanced,” and they have sol­id plans to main­tain that lead over the next three years.

How do they plan to do this? The “Dig­i­tal Retail Mar­ket­ing Is on Trend” info­graph­ic high­lights some of retail­ers’ key strategies.

The sur­vey is fur­ther sum­ma­rized in the guide, Four Essen­tial Ele­ments for Dig­i­tal Matu­ri­ty, which will show you how data-dri­ven mar­ket­ing can help you to bet­ter under­stand your cus­tomers, how cus­tomer expe­ri­ences can cre­ate brand loy­al­ty, and much more.