RCS MediaGroup: Understanding audiences, raising revenues

In today’s crowd­ed and unpre­dictable media land­scape, con­sumers are rely­ing even more on media brands they trust, such as RCS Medi­a­Group. The inter­na­tion­al media com­pa­ny is the long­time pub­lish­er of some of the most wide­ly read news­pa­pers in Spain and Italy, includ­ing Cor­riere del­la Sera, La Gazzetta del­lo Sport, and Mar­ca. More recent­ly, it has expand­ed into a mul­ti-chan­nel media con­glom­er­ate that owns mul­ti­ple lifestyle mag­a­zines, web­sites, tele­vi­sion, and radio brands.

Sub­scrip­tions and adver­tis­ing sales are two impor­tant rev­enue streams, so the com­pa­ny is drilling into its vast stores of cus­tomer data to learn more about its audi­ences and then to deliv­er tar­get­ed con­tent and adver­tis­ing that engages them. The goal is to increase sub­scriber­ship through per­son­al­ized con­tent deliv­ery and to boost ad rev­enues by deliv­er­ing ads with more precision.

Using Adobe Cam­paign in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, RCS Medi­a­Group com­piles cus­tomer data to cre­ate detailed pro­files for more per­son­al­ized cam­paigns. For exam­ple, using work­flows cre­at­ed by Adobe and part­ner Accen­ture, RCS Medi­a­Group can deliv­er cross-chan­nel offers, such as entic­ing cus­tomers of its sports brands with a news­pa­per sub­scrip­tion that comes with a pro­mo­tion­al offer for a three-month tri­al of a cable sports net­work. With Adobe Ana­lyt­ics the com­pa­ny can iden­ti­fy trends and antic­i­pate how cus­tomers will respond based on their behav­ior. The com­pa­ny also looks for­ward to using Adobe Tar­get to cre­ate even more per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ences for its customers.

“With all of our cus­tomer infor­ma­tion in one place with Adobe Cam­paign, we can bet­ter iden­ti­fy mar­ket­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties across chan­nels and mon­e­tize that data through our dig­i­tal adver­tis­ing,” says Luca Crisà, CRM Dig­i­tal & Cam­paign Man­ag­er, RCS MediaGroup.

By automat­ing cam­paigns, teams are spend­ing 35% less time send­ing emails, giv­ing them more time to ana­lyze results and opti­mize offers to achieve bet­ter respons­es. As a result, the com­pa­ny reduced oper­at­ing costs by 25% while pro­vid­ing bet­ter inter­ac­tions with customers.