Second Live Adobe Acrobat Event for Public Sector Professionals to Focus on Accessibility

This year, the federal government updated Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to ensure that accessibility standards for electronic and information technology meet the needs of those with disabilities. As a global leader in the software industry, we believe that different abilities should never limit opportunities. That is why Adobe worked closely with the United States Access Board to update these regulations, and we have made it a mission to develop digital tools that are accessible for all users.

Following the success of our first live Acrobat event for public sector professionals, Adobe will be hosting a second live community meeting to explore the recently updated accessibility guidelines and new accessibility features in Acrobat and Document Cloud. Clint Funk, Senior Solutions Consultant at Adobe, will lead discussions on the basics of accessibility, why it is important, as well as tips and tricks for accessibility. Rob Haverty, Senior Product Manager at Adobe, will focus on what’s new and how Acrobat continues to support accessibility standards.

The event is taking place at U.S. Navy Memorial Naval Heritage Center on April 26th from 10:00am–12:00pm EDT. In-person guests are invited to join the Adobe team for lunch following the meeting. Don’t worry if you’re unable to attend in person – the event is also open to attend online. Register now.

For more information, contact Lori DeFurio.