Transformative Strategies for Compelling Experiences: The Marketing Operations Track at Adobe Summit

Today’s con­sumers expect con­sis­ten­cy and uni­ty across all their expe­ri­ences with a brand. As your organ­i­sa­tion under­goes dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion or evolves on its dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing jour­ney, you’ll need to employ increas­ing­ly com­plex strate­gies and process­es that touch every part of your busi­ness. This means you’ll have to work more close­ly than ever with oth­er depart­ments and devel­op a greater appre­ci­a­tion of issues in legal, oper­a­tions, and IT.

In the Mar­ket­ing Oper­a­tions track at this year’s Adobe Sum­mit EMEA, you’ll be learn­ing from indus­try experts and Adobe thought lead­ers alike as they share their mar­ket­ing oper­a­tions strate­gies and tech­niques. You’ll also learn how Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud tech­nol­o­gy lays the foun­da­tion for giv­ing your cus­tomers a con­sis­tent, con­tin­u­ous, and com­pelling experience.

I high­ly rec­om­mend the fol­low­ing ses­sions in the Mar­ket­ing Oper­a­tions track at this year’s Summit.

OP1: Organ­i­sa­tion­al Struc­tures for Mar­ket­ing and Digital

The fast pace of change that com­pa­nies find them­selves fac­ing dic­tates a need for improved organ­i­sa­tion­al agili­ty and exper­i­men­ta­tion, whilst being ruth­less­ly focused on cus­tomer needs. How should we be design­ing organ­i­sa­tions in this envi­ron­ment of rapid dis­rup­tion? Util­is­ing Econ­sul­tan­cy research from its range of Best Prac­tice Guides and sur­vey reports, this ses­sion will address the stages on the path to dig­i­tal matu­ri­ty, explore the con­ver­gence of mar­ket­ing, sales, and oth­er teams and skills, and high­light sev­er­al case stud­ies of win­ning organ­i­sa­tion­al structures.

OP2: How to Kick-Start Your Glob­al Dig­i­tal Transformation

What are the recipes for in the dig­i­tal-first, data-dri­ven busi­ness world? This ses­sion will high­light the fun­da­men­tal com­po­nents of a suc­cess­ful trans­for­ma­tion. Stan­dard Bank in South Africa will walk through the path they took to stan­dard­ise col­lec­tion of rel­e­vant data, deliv­er mean­ing­ful insights, and uni­fy ana­lyt­ics, mea­sure­ment, and report­ing across 23 coun­tries. You’ll dis­cov­er why it’s so cru­cial to under­stand your own organisation’s dig­i­tal oper­at­ing mod­el, and you’ll see how to dri­ve adop­tion across dig­i­tal spe­cial­ists, agen­cies, and devel­op­er teams to build a cen­tre of dig­i­tal exper­tise in your business. Most impor­tant­ly, you’ll learn how to quick­ly iden­ti­fy ways to improve.

OP3: Peo­ple Core Ser­vice: Ampli­fy­ing Data, Insights and Action

In this ses­sion, you’ll learn how an Adobe cus­tomer found ways to use data they nev­er knew they had, to get insights they nev­er knew about, and take actions that they didn’t think were pos­si­ble. You’ll find out about the options for cre­at­ing seg­ments in Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud, see how they shared these audi­ences and made them action­able, and gain con­fi­dence in turn­ing your organ­i­sa­tion into a per­son­al­i­sa­tion powerhouse.

OP4: Adobe Cloud Plat­form: The Heart of Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud

Dis­cov­er how the Adobe Cloud Plat­form helps you iden­ti­fy, under­stand, and engage cus­tomers; and deliv­er con­sis­tent, con­tin­u­ous, and com­pelling expe­ri­ences that delight them at every turn. Find out exact­ly what the plat­form is, where it’s head­ing, how you can get val­ue now and in the future, and even how Adobe part­ners can get involved. Of course, we won’t just talk about it—you’ll see it in action as you learn how Adobe’s data sci­ence frame­work improves the design and deliv­ery of rich cus­tomer expe­ri­ences, and how the plat­form increas­es the inno­va­tion and val­ue of core ser­vices, pow­er­ing up each solu­tion in the Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud, and super­charg­ing all your data for max­i­mum effect.

We look for­ward to see­ing you at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2017, and if you haven’t reg­is­tered to attend, there’s still time—just click here to find out about all the oth­er excit­ing things tak­ing part at the event.