Transparency and Resilience on the Road to Digital Transformation

Dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion is increas­ing­ly impor­tant in today’s con­tin­u­ous­ly evolv­ing dig­i­tal world. The chal­lenges that come with such a change are many, and com­pa­nies often find them­selves uncer­tain of what step to take next. For a busi­ness to achieve a smooth and suc­cess­ful dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion, team mem­bers need to be trans­par­ent and exer­cise resilience, as some of our con­trib­u­tors on recent­ly shared. Read on for more insights on how to stay ahead in today’s dig­i­tal culture.

Dan Brotzel, con­tent direc­tor for Sticky Con­tent, shared some insights about per­son­al resilience in the midst of today’s fast-paced dig­i­tal world. After shar­ing some of the chal­lenges peo­ple face that result in almost crip­pling anx­i­ety, Brotzel dis­cussed how per­son­al resilience is gain­ing ground, quot­ing authors such as Angela Duck­worth and for­mer Navy SEAL Eric Gre­it­ens. Resilience, or the abil­i­ty to sur­vive and thrive, is vital for indi­vid­u­als in both busi­ness and their every­day lives.

Jonathan Sim­mons, chief strat­e­gy offi­cer for Zone, shared that when he looks at com­pa­nies that have ful­ly embraced dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion, he notices that many of the dig­i­tal ser­vices pro­vid­ed look essen­tial­ly the same. There’s noth­ing to set com­pa­nies apart. Sim­mons chal­lenges brands to focus on what makes them unique. What­ev­er sets your busi­ness apart and makes it great should be your start­ing point.

Klaus Som­mer Paulsen, CEO, cre­ative direc­tor, and founder of Adven­ture­LAB, dis­cussed the increas­ing­ly impor­tant role of expe­ri­ence design for brands in 2017. Paulsen encour­ages brands to keep an open mind and treat their expe­ri­en­tial activ­i­ties as “a con­tin­u­ous tri­al-and-error exer­cise.” What works now may not work lat­er. What works for a busi­ness sim­i­lar to yours may not work for you, and what works for a busi­ness com­plete­ly out­side your sec­tor may be just the solu­tion you’re look­ing for. Paulsen also shared an invalu­able list of tech­nolo­gies and ideas that are cur­rent­ly influ­enc­ing expe­ri­ence design, such as aug­ment­ed real­i­ty (AR) and quests.

As a part of Adver­tis­ing Week Europe 2017, sev­er­al con­trib­u­tors shared the need to keep human rela­tion­ships a pri­or­i­ty in a dig­i­tal world. Feil­im Mack­le, chief exec­u­tive of Dixons Car­phone, spoke about the need for diver­si­ty in the work­place, cit­ing that it cre­ates an envi­ron­ment for bet­ter deci­sion mak­ing. Lisa Gilbert, CMO of IBM UK and Ire­land, chal­lenged busi­ness­es who are going through a dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion to speak hon­est­ly with one anoth­er, cut­ting back on wast­ed time and ambiguity.

Accord­ing to Thom Noble, CEO and founder of Neu­roStra­ta, advances in neu­ro­science are now mak­ing it pos­si­ble for mar­keters to “mea­sure con­sumers’ deep­est, uncon­scious desires and emo­tion­al trig­gers.” With new neu­ro and bio­met­ric method­olo­gies being adapt­ed for the mar­ket­ing indus­try, mar­keters are able to under­stand how deci­sion mak­ing is guid­ed “at the non­con­scious lev­el.” This pro­vides unprece­dent­ed oppor­tu­ni­ties to iden­ti­fy insights and apply those insights to trig­ger cer­tain respons­es in consumers.

We hope you’ll gain some help­ful mar­ket­ing insights from our exclu­sive con­tent on Please let us know what you think.