Taking Marketing to the Next Level: The Marketing Innovations Track at Adobe Summit

As inno­va­tions change the land­scape, the fin­ish line for mar­ket­ing excel­lence is con­stant­ly mov­ing for­ward. But it doesn’t have to be out of reach.

The Mar­ket­ing Inno­va­tions track at this year’s Adobe Sum­mit EMEA fea­tures indus­try experts and busi­ness lead­ers who are at the fore­front of mar­ket­ing inno­va­tions and inno­v­a­tive mar­ket­ing strate­gies. Join and learn as they share their exper­tise and vision on how to take dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing to the next lev­el. Engage with fel­low mar­ket­ing exec­u­tives to get ideas on how to com­bine lead­er­ship insights and mar­ket­ing strate­gies with the dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing solu­tions that will enable you to build the next gen­er­a­tion of mar­ket­ing suc­cess for your organisation.

Here are my rec­om­mend­ed ses­sions for the Mar­ket­ing Inno­va­tions track at this year’s Summit.

IN1: Mod­ernising a Cul­tur­al Monolith

Brands, like peo­ple, can become set in their ways with age. Beano Stu­dios learned this first hand, as they worked to trans­form an 80-year-old children’s com­ic into a full-fledged dig­i­tal, broad­cast, fash­ion, art, and live enter­tain­ment brand. Beano Stu­dios CEO Emma Scott will present a unique insight into how Beano Stu­dios took the best prac­tices and tra­di­tions of the icon­ic children’s brand and applied them to a range of mod­ern platforms—among them beano.com, the Beano App, a new series of broad­cast projects, YouTube, and Popjam—and excit­ing brand collaborations.

IN2: Does Every­thing Need to Be Digital?

Mr & Mrs Smith began life in 2003 as a guide­book to the finest bou­tique hotels and has evolved into a glob­al trav­el club with 1.5 mil­lion like-mind­ed mem­bers in more than 100 coun­tries. Hear how the com­pa­ny has gone through its own dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion from being ful­ly offline to ful­ly online, with a vision of own­ing an indus­try cat­e­go­ry from “first to last click.” And learn how the com­pa­ny achieves the right lev­el of con­tent cura­tion to deliv­er a lux­u­ry brand that is not only trust­ed but also accessible.

IN3: Inno­va­tion in Con­tent Mar­ket­ing Starts with a Real­i­ty Check

Mar­keters have been oper­at­ing under a false pre­tence regard­ing their audi­ences’ abil­i­ty to con­cen­trate for longer than 8 seconds—a.k.a. the “Myth of the Gold­fish.” In this keynote, Jason Miller, Glob­al Con­tent & Social Leader for LinkedIn Mar­ket­ing Solu­tions, will reveal how changes in society’s abil­i­ty to mul­ti­task are trans­form­ing con­tent mar­ket­ing. He’ll explain how to up-cycle your pre-loved con­tent to extract every last ounce of val­ue from your exist­ing invest­ments, and inno­vate around the tech­nol­o­gy you already know how to use, to build an owned media empire.

IN4: Prof­it­ing from the Truth

The future is about mar­ket depth and involve­ment, not mar­ket width and aware­ness. Com­mu­ni­cat­ing with clar­i­ty ulti­mate­ly means remov­ing the illu­sion of sep­a­ra­tion, under­stand­ing that “you are your cus­tomer” and treat­ing your cus­tomers as you would have them treat you. In this ses­sion, BJ Cun­ning­ham will draw on his own expe­ri­ence as a ser­i­al entre­pre­neur, includ­ing his thought-pro­vok­ing case study of “DEATH Cig­a­rettes,” posi­tioned as “the hon­est smoke,” to illus­trate his straight­for­ward brand and busi­ness thinking.

IN6: Three Tech Trends That Will Shape Everyone’s Future

In this ses­sion, tech­nol­o­gy cool hunter and music hack­er LJ Rich will explore how the lat­est tech trends could affect you and what you can do to stay ahead of them. Her unique approach means she seeks out the more eccen­tric end of human/technology inter­faces, where tech­nol­o­gy and cre­ativ­i­ty meet. From mixed real­i­ty to mind con­trol, LJ will pro­vide an acces­si­ble look at what the future could hold, inspir­ing you to think more cre­ative­ly about the world we’re all about to enter.

We look for­ward to see­ing you at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2017, and if you haven’t reg­is­tered to attend, there’s still time—just click here to find out about all the oth­er excit­ing things tak­ing part at the event.