Bringing Digital and Physical Together: The Mobile Marketing Track at Adobe Summit

To deliv­er com­pelling mobile moments, for­ward-think­ing com­pa­nies need to devel­op “mobile-first” dig­i­tal strate­gies. The Mobile Mar­ket­ing track at this year’s Adobe Sum­mit EMEA will fea­ture tips, tricks, and best prac­tices for mobile mar­ket­ing from cus­tomers, part­ners, and Adobe experts.

Smart­phones have tak­en over. They’re the pri­ma­ry device for 92 per­cent of consumers—and even more cru­cial­ly, they’re the only devices that bring dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal expe­ri­ences clos­er togeth­er. To deliv­er com­pelling mobile moments, for­ward-think­ing com­pa­nies need to think “mobile-first,” and place mobile apps, mobile web­sites, and real-time noti­fi­ca­tions at the core of their dig­i­tal strategies.

Adobe is lead­ing this charge with a com­pre­hen­sive and inte­grat­ed set of solu­tions to man­age, opti­mise, and deliv­er engag­ing, data-fueled mobile expe­ri­ences for cus­tomers and employ­ees alike. The Mobile Mar­ket­ing track at this year’s Adobe Sum­mit EMEA will focus on pre­cise­ly this range of solu­tions, fea­tur­ing tips, tricks, and best prac­tices for mobile mar­ket­ing from cus­tomers, part­ners, and Adobe experts.

Here are the ses­sions I’m most excit­ed about in the Mobile Mar­ket­ing Track at this year’s Summit.

MO2: App Acqui­si­tion: Find­ing the ‘Bulls­eye’ of High-Val­ue App Users

Suc­cess­ful mar­keters acquire, retain, and engage their high­est val­ue app users and focus their user acqui­si­tion efforts on the chan­nels that will yield the most return. In this ses­sion, experts from Adobe mobile core ser­vices will explain how to focus efforts on the high­est-val­ue user acqui­si­tion chan­nels, direct users from cam­paigns direct­ly to a rel­e­vant screen with­in an app, and use a sin­gle mar­ket­ing link to dri­ve users to down­load via app stores or to an inter­sti­tial, and cor­re­late those chan­nels with in-app behaviour.

MO3:—Driving Addic­tive App Expe­ri­ences with Mobile Messaging

With in-app mes­sag­ing, mobile mar­keters can engage both casu­al and fre­quent app users with offers and updates that encour­age them to come back to the app again and again. This ses­sion will explore how app mes­sag­ing capa­bil­i­ties in Adobe mobile core ser­vices can help you dri­ve more fre­quent app usage. Through case stud­ies and best-in-class exam­ples of brands that do mobile app mes­sag­ing right, par­tic­i­pants will learn the dif­fer­ence between push noti­fi­ca­tions and in-app mes­sag­ing, and when to use which to engage users—as well as how to cre­ate seg­ments of high-val­ue app users using Adobe Ana­lyt­ics and deliv­er rel­e­vant mes­sages to them.

MO4: Marriott’s Mobile App—Driving Rev­enue and Loy­al­ty Through Personalisation

Cus­tomers inter­act with brands across mul­ti­ple touch­points, and since a mobile app is the most per­son­al of these, it needs to remain espe­cial­ly rel­e­vant and aware of cus­tomers’ behav­iour across mul­ti­ple touch­points. In this ses­sion, mobile engage­ment experts from Mar­riott and Adobe will show­case real-time, cross-device per­son­al­i­sa­tion using Adobe Tar­get with Adobe Audi­ence Man­ag­er, demon­strate mobile app test­ing using Adobe Tar­get with Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, and share ideas for real-time per­son­alised expe­ri­ences using Adobe Tar­get and Adobe Campaign.

MO5: How Sky Empow­ers Mobile Teams with Game-Chang­ing Cus­tomer Insights

As cus­tomer jour­neys con­tin­ue to grow more com­plex, strate­gic think­ing about mobile apps’ place has become manda­to­ry, which means mobile teams and mobile cen­tres of excel­lence (MCOEs) have an increas­ing say in mar­ket­ing-strat­e­gy for­mu­la­tion. This ses­sion will explore best prac­tices for deriv­ing cus­tomer insights to boost mobile as a busi­ness dri­ver, using mobile app ana­lyt­ics to dri­ve cross-chan­nel insights and engage­ment, and using Analy­sis Work­space to dri­ve and share cross-func­tion­al insights.

We look for­ward to see­ing you at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2017, and if you haven’t reg­is­tered to attend, there’s still time. Just click here to find out about all the oth­er excit­ing events hap­pen­ing at this year’s Summit.