The Practical Side of Marketing: The Hands-On Labs Track at Adobe Summit

Great mar­ket­ing isn’t just about theory—it’s equal­ly about the nuts and bolts of exe­cu­tion. That’s why each year, in addi­tion to the break­outs and sem­i­nars, we also run Hands-On Labs where you can dive into the prac­ti­cal side of mar­ket­ing, in ses­sions that focus on how to imple­ment tech­nolo­gies and solu­tions across Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud.

And best of all, the labs close­ly align with the themes of the oth­er tracks at the Sum­mit, so you can inte­grate the­o­ry and prac­tice, and dis­cov­er new solu­tions that apply direct­ly to your biggest busi­ness chal­lenges. Led by Adobe experts, every ses­sion in this track will teach you valu­able prod­uct tips and tricks for mak­ing the most of your invest­ment in Adobe technology.

Here are the ses­sions I’m most excit­ed about in the Hands-On Labs track at this year’s Summit.

TL9: Get Start­ed Devel­op­ing with Adobe Expe­ri­ence Manager

In this ses­sion, par­tic­i­pants will learn the most effi­cient path to onboard new devel­op­ers to Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er. They’ll start by cre­at­ing a prop­er­ly struc­tured Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er project, dis­cov­er the tool­ing spe­cif­ic to Java and front-end devel­op­ers, then dive into how to edit the ren­dered markup with Sight­ly and work with the under­ly­ing log­ic using Sling mod­els. Any­body who’s not afraid to see and touch code—from tech­ni­cal begin­ners to tech­ni­cal experts—will under­stand the Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er project struc­ture, get intro­duced to tool­ing, learn how to use Sight­ly and Sling mod­els, and more.

TL11: Real-Time Remar­ket­ing in Adobe Campaign—Practical Advice for Get­ting Started

Using the Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud, mar­keters make the most of web and mobile ana­lyt­ics to mea­sure per­for­mance accu­rate­ly; auto­mate respons­es to cus­tomers’ online behav­iour, inter­ests, and pref­er­ences; and deliv­er con­tex­tu­al­ly rel­e­vant remar­ket­ing mes­sages in real time. This ses­sion will explore how Adobe solu­tions link togeth­er to share data and trig­ger cam­paigns, and explain how to cre­ate accu­rate seg­ments based on user behav­iour for real-time retargeting.

TL4: Intro­duc­tion to Launch: the New DTM

In this ses­sion, mar­keters who already have a good under­stand­ing of dynam­ic tag man­age­ment (DTM) and at least some direct expe­ri­ence work­ing with Adobe’s DTM tool will get hands-on expe­ri­ence with the new ver­sion of DTM, includ­ing a redesigned inter­face, more pow­er and con­trol, and more flex­i­bil­i­ty than ever before. Par­tic­i­pants will prac­tice imple­ment­ing Adobe and non-Adobe prod­ucts. They’ll learn how to nav­i­gate and lever­age the new DTM inter­face, work more effi­cient­ly deploy­ing Adobe and non-Adobe tags, and take advan­tage of the new version’s pow­er­ful new features.

TL14: Build­ing Your Own Deter­min­is­tic Device Graph with Pro­file Link

This hands-on lab will take a deep dive into how we achieve the real-time pro­file stitch­ing via the pro­file link capa­bil­i­ty. Par­tic­i­pants will learn how to build and acti­vate a deter­min­is­tic device graph using Adobe Audi­ence Man­ag­er to tell the broad­er sto­ry of cross-device anony­mous iden­ti­ty. The ses­sion will cov­er var­i­ous use cas­es and solu­tions, includ­ing tar­get­ing vis­i­tor-stitched audi­ences for onsite jour­neys and onsite con­tent, and offer cus­tomi­sa­tion in a sen­si­tive envi­ron­ment. We’ll also explore how to cre­ate a one-time con­fig­u­ra­tion of authen­ti­cat­ed iden­ti­ty cap­ture, view ID map­ping exports stitched IDs tied to authen­ti­cat­ed pro­file, and acti­vate linked audi­ence data across destinations.

TL18: Serv­er-Side Test­ing and Personalisation—Experimentation Unchained

Adobe Tar­get isn’t just for busi­ness users. This ses­sion will explain how to unlock the full poten­tial of the Adobe Tar­get stack with our serv­er-side deliv­ery APIs, and take Adobe Tar­get everywhere—isomorphic JavaScript apps, set-top box­es, video game con­soles, in-store kiosks, ATMs, and more—while test­ing every­thing. Par­tic­i­pants will learn about serv­er-side test­ing and what sets it apart from a tra­di­tion­al imple­men­ta­tion. They’ll also find out how to imple­ment Adobe Tar­get on an iso­mor­phic serv­er-side react.js appli­ca­tion, inte­grate it with Adobe Ana­lyt­ics and Adobe Audi­ence Man­ag­er, use Adobe Tar­get in non-JavaScript appli­ca­tions, and access the more than 40 APIs avail­able on our API gate­way, Adobe.IO.

We look for­ward to see­ing you at Adobe Sum­mit EMEA 2017, and if you haven’t reg­is­tered to attend, there’s still time – just click here to find out about all the oth­er excit­ing events hap­pen­ing at this year’s Summit.