The Practical Side of Marketing: The Hands-On Labs Track at Adobe Summit
Great marketing isn’t just about theory—it’s equally about the nuts and bolts of execution. That’s why each year, in addition to the breakouts and seminars, we also run Hands-On Labs where you can dive into the practical side of marketing, in sessions that focus on how to implement technologies and solutions across Adobe Experience Cloud.
And best of all, the labs closely align with the themes of the other tracks at the Summit, so you can integrate theory and practice, and discover new solutions that apply directly to your biggest business challenges. Led by Adobe experts, every session in this track will teach you valuable product tips and tricks for making the most of your investment in Adobe technology.
Here are the sessions I’m most excited about in the Hands-On Labs track at this year’s Summit.
TL9: Get Started Developing with Adobe Experience Manager
In this session, participants will learn the most efficient path to onboard new developers to Experience Manager. They’ll start by creating a properly structured Experience Manager project, discover the tooling specific to Java and front-end developers, then dive into how to edit the rendered markup with Sightly and work with the underlying logic using Sling models. Anybody who’s not afraid to see and touch code—from technical beginners to technical experts—will understand the Experience Manager project structure, get introduced to tooling, learn how to use Sightly and Sling models, and more.
TL11: Real-Time Remarketing in Adobe Campaign—Practical Advice for Getting Started
Using the Adobe Experience Cloud, marketers make the most of web and mobile analytics to measure performance accurately; automate responses to customers’ online behaviour, interests, and preferences; and deliver contextually relevant remarketing messages in real time. This session will explore how Adobe solutions link together to share data and trigger campaigns, and explain how to create accurate segments based on user behaviour for real-time retargeting.
TL4: Introduction to Launch: the New DTM
In this session, marketers who already have a good understanding of dynamic tag management (DTM) and at least some direct experience working with Adobe’s DTM tool will get hands-on experience with the new version of DTM, including a redesigned interface, more power and control, and more flexibility than ever before. Participants will practice implementing Adobe and non-Adobe products. They’ll learn how to navigate and leverage the new DTM interface, work more efficiently deploying Adobe and non-Adobe tags, and take advantage of the new version’s powerful new features.
TL14: Building Your Own Deterministic Device Graph with Profile Link
This hands-on lab will take a deep dive into how we achieve the real-time profile stitching via the profile link capability. Participants will learn how to build and activate a deterministic device graph using Adobe Audience Manager to tell the broader story of cross-device anonymous identity. The session will cover various use cases and solutions, including targeting visitor-stitched audiences for onsite journeys and onsite content, and offer customisation in a sensitive environment. We’ll also explore how to create a one-time configuration of authenticated identity capture, view ID mapping exports stitched IDs tied to authenticated profile, and activate linked audience data across destinations.
TL18: Server-Side Testing and Personalisation—Experimentation Unchained
Adobe Target isn’t just for business users. This session will explain how to unlock the full potential of the Adobe Target stack with our server-side delivery APIs, and take Adobe Target everywhere—isomorphic JavaScript apps, set-top boxes, video game consoles, in-store kiosks, ATMs, and more—while testing everything. Participants will learn about server-side testing and what sets it apart from a traditional implementation. They’ll also find out how to implement Adobe Target on an isomorphic server-side react.js application, integrate it with Adobe Analytics and Adobe Audience Manager, use Adobe Target in non-JavaScript applications, and access the more than 40 APIs available on our API gateway, Adobe.IO.
We look forward to seeing you at Adobe Summit EMEA 2017, and if you haven’t registered to attend, there’s still time – just click here to find out about all the other exciting events happening at this year’s Summit.