Adobe Summit EMEA 2017: Know Before You Go

After weeks of wait­ing it’s final­ly upon us and we have some great things planned for you! We’ve got some incred­i­ble speak­ers, ses­sions and net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, and it’s big­ger and bet­ter than ever before. With dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing best prac­tices, inspi­ra­tional con­tent, great food, amaz­ing music & even cycling, we like to think we’ve got it cov­ered! With so much going on, we’ve put this guide togeth­er so you have every­thing you need to know before your Sum­mit experience.

Down­load the Mobile App

The Adobe Sum­mit EMEA mobile app gives you the lat­est infor­ma­tion so you can get the most out of your Sum­mit expe­ri­ence. You can search and sched­ule your break­out ses­sions, inter­act with speak­ers, rate ses­sions, view con­fer­ence maps and access many oth­er use­ful resources.

Down­load Adobe Spark Post

Cre­ate stun­ning social graph­ics in sec­onds at Sum­mit with Adobe Spark Post, click the link below to access the Sum­mit remix­able visual:

Sum­mit at ICC ExCeL London

With reg­is­tra­tion open from 7:00am and the open­ing keynote ses­sion start­ing at 8:45am you won’t want to be late. For­tu­nate­ly, ExCeL has an infor­ma­tive trav­el guide to help plan your journey:


There’s not just excit­ing con­tent on the stage, there’s a huge amount of con­tent online. So don’t miss out and get on the Wifi when you arrive:


So you can now relax know­ing that the essen­tials cov­ered: arriv­ing, with the app down­loaded, and Wifi wait­ing. But there’s still a few more things you can do to be prepared:

Sum­mit Blogs

The Sum­mit team have not only been busy prepar­ing for this year’s Sum­mit, we’ve been busy writ­ing. Whether you need more infor­ma­tion on the ses­sions or just want to read up on what it means to be an expe­ri­ence busi­ness – we have a blog post for you: will be at Sum­mit again this year, so please come see the team at the stand in the com­mu­ni­ty pavil­ion. If you’re not famil­iar with, then we’ve got a selec­tion of arti­cles fea­tur­ing the Sum­mit speak­ers to whet your appetite:

Raiffeisen’s Wenger Brings The Ben­e­fits Of Cen­tral­i­sa­tion To 270 CEOs:

Dig­i­tal Strat­e­gy Direc­tor Chris Wor­le Learns From Unex­pect­ed Jour­neys

Sagren Pather Believes Web Ana­lyt­ics Can Lead To Sur­prise And Delight

The Phys­i­cal World Is Major Stop On Dig­i­tal Jour­ney For Tama­ra Lohan


For your friends and col­leagues who didn’t get a tick­et to Sum­mit EMEA 2017, they can watch the live cov­er­age of tomorrow’s keynote ses­sion streamed on the Sum­mit web­site, from 8:45AM BST.

Social at Summit

I am biased but one of the best bits of Adobe Sum­mit is the social buzz. We’ve got a great social pro­gramme planned for you so please fol­low @AdobeSummit & @AdobeExpCloud and join the con­ver­sa­tion on the hash­tag: #Adobe­Sum­mit.

And don’t for­get the live Twit­ter chat on “Becom­ing an Expe­ri­ence Busi­ness” start­ing at 2:00PM using: #Sum­mitChat