Setting Up Adobe Acrobat and Reader on Windows 10

Adobe Acrobat and Reader work great on Windows 10, especially when you optimize their interaction. This can be done in two simple steps after installing Acrobat or Reader. The first step is to pin the application to the taskbar, and second, make Acrobat or Reader the default application for opening PDF files.

Pinning Acrobat or Reader to the Taskbar

With Acrobat or Reader open, look for the application in your taskbar. Simply right-click the application icon in the taskbar and select “Pin to taskbar”.

Set Acrobat or Reader as the Default PDF Owner

To make Acrobat or Reader the default application for opening PDF files, just right-click on any PDF file icon and select Properties. Next, select the Change button and choose either Acrobat or Reader. That’s it. With these two steps, you can now work seamlessly with PDF files on Windows 10.

This short video tutorial walks through in detail how to setup Acrobat or Reader on Windows 10.