Retailers Share Strategic Priorities and Exciting Prospects in New Report

How are retail brands tack­ling their biggest chal­lenges in 2017? What are their pri­or­i­ties for the year, and what are look­ing for­ward to in the near future? A recent­ly launched report from Econ­sul­tan­cy and Adobe, Dig­i­tal Retail Trends in 2017, finds that brands are upping their mar­ket­ing bud­gets, tar­get­ing mobile screens with delight­ful cus­tomer expe­ri­ences, all the while gain­ing ground on the path to dig­i­tal matu­ri­ty. The info­graph­ic below gives an overview of what you’ll find in the full report.

To learn what’s hot today and what brands expect to be even hot­ter tomor­row, down­load your copy of the Dig­i­tal Retail Trends in 2017 report now!