TUI: Simplifying the pursuit of leisure

The world’s lead­ing inte­grat­ed tourism group gives cus­tomers unmatched expe­ri­ences before, dur­ing, and after their vaca­tions. TUI Group uses its port­fo­lio of tour oper­a­tors, trav­el agents, air­lines, and cruise ships—as well as its dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tions channels—to make every jour­ney spe­cial for each traveler.

Tech­nol­o­gy rev­o­lu­tion­ized how peo­ple plan vaca­tions. An abun­dance of auto­mat­ed ser­vices and infor­ma­tion por­tals help trav­el­ers pick des­ti­na­tions, make trav­el plans, and book places to stay. That’s why TUI dis­tin­guish­es its dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences from com­peti­tors’ with Adobe Ana­lyt­ics in Adobe Ana­lyt­ics Cloud and Adobe Tar­get in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, both part of Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud.

TUI’s dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion focus­es on respond­ing quick­ly to cus­tomer needs. Adobe Ana­lyt­ics and Adobe Tar­get help TUI mar­keters under­stand what cus­tomers are doing in real-time, and then respond con­sis­tent­ly with rel­e­vant offers and infor­ma­tion across channels.

“Ana­lyt­ics and Tar­get have been real­ly use­ful for us in terms of spot­ting those oppor­tu­ni­ties and allow­ing us to put new con­tent out to tar­get cus­tomers very quick­ly,” says Elliot Antrobus-Hold­er, Group Head of Dig­i­tal Prod­uct, TUI. “That pace of change and the need to just get things done effi­cient­ly and quick­ly is where we find the Adobe stack is real­ly useful.”