Adobe Comment on TC Heartland v. Kraft Foods Supreme Court Decision

Dana Rao, vice president of Adobe Intellectual Property and Litigation, provided the following statement on the Supreme Court’s TC Heartland v. Kraft Foods Group ruling that places new limits in patent suits on “forum shopping,” which is the practice of plaintiffs searching for friendly courts to file a lawsuit:

“Adobe commends the Supreme Court for its unanimous decision to limit forum shopping in the TC Heartland v. Kraft Foods Group ruling. This is a critical step towards ending predatory patent litigation. Like many tech companies, Adobe deals with frivolous patent suits in places like the Eastern District of Texas because plaintiffs search for friendly courts. There’s no place in the judicial system for the type of blatant forum shopping that is occurring in patent litigation today. Our country needs a patent system built for the 21st century innovator, and the first step to achieving that is ensuring forum shopping becomes a thing of the past. Adobe is a strong believer in the patent system, where high quality patents are used to defend innovation. Ending abusive litigation tactics and continuing to focus on issuing high quality patents will help the country refocus the patent system back to its original principles.”