Dads Love A Good Deal–Sometimes More Than Moms

Surprised? You wouldn’t be the only one. This is an opportunity many miss out on, based on the assumption that moms are the main saver in the family.

Dads Love A Good Deal–Sometimes More Than Moms

With Father’s Day this weekend, it’s a great time to take a look at how brands can reach dads along their paths to purchase.

A new study from Valassis reveals that parents are more alike than dissimilar when it comes to shopping for consumer packaged goods. According to our findings, dads are just as–and, in some cases, even more–likely as moms to use print and digital coupons/discounts. Surprised? You wouldn’t be the only one. This is an opportunity many miss out on, based on the assumption that moms are the main saver in the family.

An infographic from the study is below, but here are a few findings I found to be of particular interest:

Click on the infographic to enlarge, or download the PDF here.

For additional insights beyond dads, check out the full 2K17 Coupon Intelligence Report (short registration required).