Student Ambassador Spotlight: Chris Chatzisavvas

Meet Business Management student Chris Chatzisavvas from Leicester University, one of our new Adobe Student Ambassadors who are part of a programme created to help students get ahead in the creative industries. Chris is passionate about design and loves learning all there is to know about Adobe Creative Cloud through his role as an Ambassador, which he then teaches his friends and classmates and demonstrates how they can use it in their studies.

Chris is joining us at the 99U conference in New York this week, so we had a catch up with him to find out how he is finding the role and what he’s looking forward to the most.

Adobe: What made you decide to be an Adobe Student Ambassador?

Chris: I’ve been using Adobe products for years, so when I came across the application page I was ecstatic. It was a chance to become an active part of a brand I have grown to admire over the years, which would also give me some really unique networking opportunities with professionals from different fields across the industry.

A: How do you think it will help you in achieving your dream career?

C: I’m closing in on the two-month mark and already the role has given me some incredible opportunities. Specifically, an insight into how a business the size of Adobe operates and how it goes about achieving its month-to-month goals. Even the initial training I had was extremely interesting – I learned so much about the industry, Adobe’s role within it, the latest design trends and so much more.

A: What are you most looking forward to at this week’s 99U Conference?

C: There are so many interesting things happening in the schedule it’s hard to pinpoint one! As an Adobe Student Ambassador, I’m naturally looking forward to hearing Bryan Lamkin’s talk around ‘Navigating the Unknown.’ Plus the workshops and networking opportunities have a huge appeal for me – I can’t wait to meet people working in the industry and have the opportunity to hear about their experiences and absorb their knowledge.

A: What are you hoping to get out of the experience?

C: Valuable experiences and a different insight into the industry – as someone from the inside looking out, rather than an outsider looking in. I think it will give me a totally different perspective on things. I’m hoping to also come away with some new friends and acquaintances, and overall just an amazing and educational experience.

A: What would you say to other students who might be thinking about working with Adobe as part of the Ambassador programme in the future?

C: I’d say without a doubt GO FOR IT! You’re going to gain such valuable industry experience, meet some fantastic people, and be part of an industry-leading company. I’m only two months in but already so many doors have been opened for me.

Chris will be sharing all his highlights from the 99U conference_ on @AdobeUKStudents. Feel free to ask him any questions or let us know what you think in the comments. Follow @AdobeUKStudents to hear more updates and find out how to apply to become an Adobe Student Brand Ambassador _here.