Eurobet: A Winning Strategy

Games of chance are a fast-grow­ing glob­al indus­try, and the stakes keep going up as new com­pa­nies try to cash in. That means vet­er­an gam­bling com­pa­nies like Euro­bet Italia are turn­ing to dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing tech­nol­o­gy to guard and grow mar­ket share.

Bet­ting appeals to a wide range of audi­ences, and Euro­bet has some­thing for everyone—from casi­no games to sports wager­ing. Euro­bet was a pio­neer when Italy legal­ized online gam­ing in 2006 and con­tin­u­al­ly seeks ways to attract and engage cus­tomers. Today, Euro­bet relies on Adobe Expe­ri­ence Man­ag­er, Cam­paign, and Tar­get in Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, Adobe Ana­lyt­ics in Adobe Ana­lyt­ics Cloud, all part of Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud.

“Adobe had the right mix of capa­bil­i­ties, exper­tise, and vision to help to great­ly improve cus­tomer attri­bu­tion, reten­tion, and cross-sell oppor­tu­ni­ties,” says Alex­is Grigo­ri­adis, Online Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor, Eurobet.

Since imple­ment­ing Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud, Euro­bet has climbed from sixth to sec­ond in the mar­ket in terms of vol­ume of sports bet­ting, reduced cus­tomer churn by 3%, and increased per­for­mance of cross-sell and upsell cam­paigns by 20%.

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