Personalizing 31 Million Customer Experiences

Many com­pa­nies aim to pro­vide per­son­al­ized dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences to their cus­tomers, but what does this mean? Some com­pa­nies view per­son­al­iza­tion as wel­com­ing a cus­tomer by name or using geolo­ca­tion to know exact­ly where the cus­tomer is stand­ing. For Will Harmer, Senior Man­ag­er of Insights and Opti­mi­sa­tion at EE, per­son­al­iza­tion is about dri­ving some­thing much more impor­tant yet sub­tle: con­sis­tent­ly pro­vid­ing every cus­tomer with infor­ma­tion that is rel­e­vant to their interests.

EE knows about pleas­ing cus­tomers. It is the largest mobile net­work in the Unit­ed King­dom with more than 31 mil­lion cus­tomers. In a sat­u­rat­ed mar­ket, EE is invest­ed in keep­ing exist­ing cus­tomers hap­py through bril­liant ser­vice and dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences. That’s why Harmer picked Adobe Expe­ri­ence Cloud to opti­mize its dig­i­tal prop­er­ties. Using Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, part of Adobe Ana­lyt­ics Cloud, EE can under­stand what dri­ves cus­tomer behav­iors. With this infor­ma­tion, EE uses Adobe Tar­get, part of Adobe Mar­ket­ing Cloud, to test, opti­mize, and per­son­al­ize cus­tomer experiences.

“Adobe is crit­i­cal to my team,” says Harmer.

Using Adobe Ana­lyt­ics, EE is iden­ti­fy­ing cus­tomer pain points to opti­mize dig­i­tal expe­ri­ences and cre­ate a smoother cus­tomer jour­ney. The Adobe Analy­sis Work­space allows all stake­hold­ers to explore data and visu­al­ize analy­sis for greater insight.

EE soon plans to link Adobe Ana­lyt­ics Pre­mi­um to its call cen­ter data to gain a more round­ed view of cus­tomer behav­iors, both online and offline. If the com­pa­ny can under­stand which web­pages dri­ve calls to the call cen­ter, EE can opti­mize the online expe­ri­ence even further.

With Adobe Tar­get, EE is test­ing changes to its web­site for intel­li­gent opti­miza­tion. For instance, one test found that chang­ing the word “rec­om­mend­ed” to “best­seller” on prod­uct pages drove high­er con­ver­sion rates and net pro­mot­er score. Adobe Tar­get is also used to per­son­al­ize the cus­tomer jour­ney by tar­get­ing dif­fer­ent audi­ences iden­ti­fied in Adobe Ana­lyt­ics with rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion and offers. By using the inte­grat­ed Adobe Ana­lyt­ics and Adobe Tar­get solu­tions, EE can under­stand what cus­tomers want and pro­vide them with supe­ri­or experiences.

“Col­leagues in oth­er insight teams using more tra­di­tion­al BI tools can’t believe how quick­ly we inter­ro­gate 65 mil­lion records,” says Harmer. “We get answers back in sec­onds when they are still writ­ing queries and wait­ing for five hours for results to return.”