Philip Kotler: Marketing’s Old Guard Keeps A Constant Eye On The Future

With a perspective spanning more than 50 years, the economy-minded marketing guru takes on modern-day topics, including customer-journey mapping, content development, and digital disruption.

Philip Kotler: Marketing’s Old Guard Keeps A Constant Eye On The Future

Over the next three weeks, I’ll be taking us back to school with a master podcast class in marketing. To do so, I spoke with some of the greatest academic minds in the discipline.

We start with Philip Kotler. Considered by many as “the marketing guru” and “the most influential marketer of all time,” Kotler talked to me about just a few of the many books he has written on marketing, from “Marketing Management” (now in its 15th edition) to his most recent effort, “Confronting Capitalism.”

In speaking about “Confronting Capitalism,” Kotler touched on the danger he foresees in the growing inequality of income that forces many to live paycheck to paycheck and rely on going into debt to purchase the things they need to survive: “There is such high indebtedness of the working class, and that is going to be fatal to the economy,” he said.

Highlights from this week’s “Marketing Today” podcast include:

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