Update 1 for RoboHelp Server 10

Over the past few months, many of our valued partners and customers had reported a few bugs in Adobe RoboHelp Server. We have been actively listening to the feedback and have fixed some of the critical bugs in RoboHelp Server 10. We are pleased to announce the availability of RoboHelp Server 10.0.1 update and would like to thank all those who have contributed in reporting these issues and helping us improve the product.

Please continue to send us your feedback, we’re listening!

The official change log is available here.

In this post:

    1. Download Update 1
    2. Install Update 1

What’s new and Better

Following is the major list of enhancements and issues fixed in Update 1 for Adobe RoboHelp Server 10 categorized in few buckets such as Publishing, Authentication and Special Characters/UNICODE. The complete list is also available here with their reference numbers.


  1. The Responsive HTML5 help can now also be accessed over HTTPS.
  2. In WebHelp, while using the JS syntax RH_ShowHelp for launching context-sensitive Help, the page load is no longer blocked by the browser’s pop-up blocker.
  3. For a particular responsive HTML5 project hosted on RoboHelp Server, the TOC and search did not load. This is fixed now.
  4. Support for large projects: We have improved the index search index. It now also works smooth on very big online help systems.
  5. We have fixed a nasty bug, that occurred when client-side and server-side merging were turned off but a Responsive HTML5 output was created from a merged project. When you accessed the master project from the server Administration Console, then the index keywords, glossary entries, and dynamic content filters did not populate correctly in the master project. Fixed now!
  6. In certain scenarios with just a few existing projects in RoboHelp Server, some users noticed a long delay in publishing a new project. We have looked into that, isolated the problem and: Fixed it!
  7. Last but not least: Now you do not have to restart Tomcat for index and search to work after each publishing of a project.


  1. When using HTTP-based user authentication, users are now getting redirected to the correct page on successful authentication.
  2. When using LDAP-based user authentication, new LDAP groups can now be added.

Special Characters and UNICODE

We have improved the support for Unicode in all fields for better search results and fixed some Unicode-related bugs in TOC, Index, and Glossary:

  1. Topics whose title or initial content contains special characters can be searched properly now.
  2. Some special characters in a topic URL made the page to open in a new tab. We fixed that.
  3. When a project contained Unicode content, then the TOC, index, and glossary did not work as expected. We have also fixed that.

You can also view the RoboHelp Server 10 Update 1 Readme here

How to get Update 1 for RoboHelp Server 10

Getting the update is as easy. Please follow the below steps to update Adobe RoboHelp Server 10:

Download Update 1 for RoboHelp Server 10

You can download Update 1 for RoboHelp Server 10 from this page.

Alternatively, you can also download the Update directly: AdobeRobohelpServerx64_10_0_1_upd.zip.

Install Update 1 for RoboHelp Server 10

Once you have downloaded the installation package, follow these steps:

  1. Unzip the AdobeRobohelpServerx64_10_0_1_upd.zip to an appropriate location on your system. Locate the AdobePatchInstaller.exe file.
  2. Stop the Apache Tomcat server.
  3. For each context, delete the contents of the corresponding [RHS-Install-Dir]/[Context-Name]/server/resource folder.
  4. INFO: Since RoboHelp Server uses each resource folder as a cache folder, once you delete the content of these folders, RoboHelp Server copies the updated files.
  5. Run the AdobePatchInstaller.exe to start the start the RoboHelp Server Update 1 Installer and follow the instructions.
  6. Restart the Apache Tomcat server.

The updated files are copied to the existing context area, or any newly created context would have all the updates automatically.

Found a bug? Want to suggest an improvement? Let us know!

You found a bug? You have an idea? You want to get something improved in the product?

There’s a channel for that: We call it “Adobe Tracker.” Adobe Tracker is your place to go when you find a bug and want to report it to us so that we can fix it in the next release. You can also file in your feature requests, ideas, requests for improvements. It’s very easy to do and the reports go directly into our systems, and our product managers, engineers, and support people have direct access to it.

Before you file a bug report or idea, you might want to check, if someone else has done it already. You can search through the database here. In case you find something fitting, you can add comments to the existing bug and you can also “vote” for this bug or feature request. And the more people vote for a feature … You get the idea.