Get to know the #RoadtoMAX17 artists

We’ve already told you about our exciting #RoadtoMAX17 adventure which will begin on 8 October here.

Join the team through our Adobe social channels, and check out an exclusive #RoadtoMAX17 travel diary – “made with Spark” for regular updates, new photos and videos from the trip. You can also keep up-to-date by reading the Creative Connection Blog.

But first we wanted to introduce you to who will be joining us on the nine day trip. We’d like you to meet Nathalie, Rich and Thomas…

Bonjour, Nathalie Geffroy


…yourself using three attributes?

…your creative style?

…your motivation?

…your expectations for #RoadToMAX17 ?

…your definition of “Challenging Your Perspective“?


…does a creative challenge mean to you?

…experiences have you made with roadtrips before?

Want to know more about Nathalie? Check out her Instagram.

Hello, Rich McCor!


…yourself using three attributes?

…your creative style?

…your motivation?

…your expectations for #RoadToMA17X?

…your definition of Challenging Your Perspective?


…does a creative challenge mean to you?

…experiences have you made with road trips before?

Want to know more about Rich? Check out his Instagram.

Guten Tag, Thomas Kakareko!


…yourself using three attributes?

…your creative style?

…your motivation?

…your expectations for #RoadToMAX17?

…your definition of Challenging Your Perspective?


…does a creative challenge mean to you?

…experiences have you made with road trips before?

Want to know more about Thomas? Check out his Instagram.

Take part in the adventure by reading their exclusive travel diary, where you’ll find out where they are, what they’re doing and most importantly, what they create!

Our travellers would love to hear from you, so join the conversation using the hashtag, #RoadtoMAX17. They’ve got some cool prizes planned for you.

Stay tuned!

Follow us on social here for Road to MAX: