The State Of Commerce And Consumerism
The future of retail has taken a decidedly digital turn. Whether selling online, in-store, or, likely, both, experience-minded retailers are filling their proverbial shopping carts with new strategies to attract a world filled with savvy shoppers.
The future of retail has taken a decidedly digital turn. Whether selling online, in-store, or, likely, both, experience-minded retailers are filling their proverbial shopping carts with new strategies to attract a world filled with savvy shoppers.
Their wish lists don’t end there. They also include the ability to provide a seamless, personalized customer journey across all devices and channels. Innovative implementations of AI, AR, and VR for an out-of-the box shopping experience and top-notch customer service—not necessarily from a human, either.
And maybe, just maybe, industry disruption of Amazonian proportions.
Where are we now? What can we expect in 2018? As you’re about to see, we’ve gone on a retail content spree to explore these topics—and many more. In time for the holidays, welcome to the state of commerce and consumerism.