Adobe and Microsoft Combine Forces to Make Government Teams More Advanced and Responsive

Amy works at a foster care agency as a recruitment manager, and is well-versed in traditional forms of marketing, such as posting information on billboards and the agency’s website.

Now, she wants to take recruiting to the next level with modern marketing tools.

She wants to automate as much as she can in her foster care recruitment campaigns, and see who’s engaging with her campaigns. She’d like to know things like:

What would be most convenient for Amy is one comprehensive and reliable tool to help her nurture potential foster care candidates from the beginning of the application process to the end.

That’s when Amy turned to the new Adobe and Microsoft platform.

Adobe and Microsoft joined forces last year to offer organizations one complete, integrated marketing cloud solution by bringing together their most powerful systems including Adobe Campaign and Marketing Cloud, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and Microsoft Azure.

This combined solution gives teams:

Now, the partnership is expanding, allowing government to more effectively service their citizens.

Adjusting to Citizen Needs: Government Steadily Moves from Paper to Online

Government agencies at all levels—federal, state and local—have realized in the past few years that they can dramatically transform their interactions with citizens for the better—if they invest in the right technology. That’s why they are working harder than ever to get up to speed with the latest tech options.

Today, some states make is easier to renew a driver’s license online, saving citizens hundreds of hours of standing in line. Others allow citizens to accomplish tasks such as paying parking fees, registering a business or paying taxes online.

This is where Adobe and Microsoft’s platforms can be transformative.

A Personalized, Adaptive User Experience with Analytics

The Adobe- Microsoft partnership allows organizations to get a sense of their citizens’ profiles and behaviors, analyze the impact of campaigns, and learn how to improve the overall experience of a user.

Adobe brought modern and responsive forms, e-signatures, and more. Microsoft brought the back-end technology that allows government teams to manage information about each citizen, nurture and build deeper relationships using that data.

For most government agencies, the user journey begins with a form. With Adobe-Microsoft, a citizen would receive an email to fill out a form that is then delivered to Adobe Experience Manager. That form will be responsive and adaptive. This improves the likelihood a form will be completely submitted, reduce the amount of time it takes to submit the form, and increase the accuracy of data collected.

Then, that data is inserted into Microsoft Dynamics 365 where it can be sliced, diced and analyzed in numerous ways.

The platform allows forms to be filled on mobile as well, easily integrating forms into smartphone applications. With most people consuming content and finishing their everyday tasks on their smartphones, this is a powerful tool that allows organizations to connect with more people, more often.

One Complete Platform to Serve Both Government and Citizens

The benefit to the citizen is clear. They see beautiful, clear, responsive interfaces that allow them to share the information they’d like to with their government agencies. The agency also scores. Adobe-Microsoft’s complete platform allows organizations to:

For government employees, this fully integrated, personalized digital experience allows them to better communicate and reach citizens who need services.

Government agencies are stepping up to incorporate better technology to serve their constituents. It doesn’t have to be hard. Adobe and Microsoft have partnered to make the process complete and easy, to give all organizations the power to reach their goals.

How this new offer can benefit my government organization

There are many ways to use the Adobe-Microsoft combined solutions to benefit your organization and the citizens you serve.

Depending on your agency’s communication and constituent activity requirements, you can create the ideal user experience, engage personally with constituents based on their activities and history, and provide a 360-degree view of a citizen. With Adobe Sign for Dynamics 365, you can provide easy forms management and use e-signatures integrated with Microsoft 365 products.

To learn more about the Adobe-Microsoft partnership, click here.