What to Do About Trends?

This month, as we write about young artists in limbo, we wondered how creatives think about one of the biggest forces for change in the industry: visual trends. For more, we checked in with a few of our favorite artists.

Designer, coach, and senior worldwide Creative Cloud evangelist for Adobe, Paul Trani, told us it’s all about deciding where you want to be when the wave hits: “As a designer we have two choices when it comes to design trends. Either make a living riding out the current wave, or look at the evolution of new trends and start the wave ourselves.”

Jump In If You’re Inspired

Jenue, a Spanish artist and art director who makes playful images for editorials, music, and advertisements, told us he’s always up for finding new ways to produce images, whether it’s combining computer graphics and the real world, or mixing textures and elements in new ways.

When it comes to trends, he lets happiness be his guide. “I am not sure what exactly is going to be trendy, but definitely you should look at any trend that inspires your mind and brings you excitement enough to create just for the sake of it and makes your life happier,” says Jenue.

Dream Come True by Jenue

Getting Your Work Out There
Ryogo Toyoda is a Tokyo-based 3D artist and motion designer. In his work, he embraces vibrant color and draws inspiration from science fiction and 1980s video games. And he’s already at the forefront of the 3D trend.

When he looks at how other artist approach fast-moving trends, Ryogo notes that it’s all about getting the work out there, even though this might mean they’re putting less time in on individual pieces. “Everyone posts their work more frequently. The pace and amount of time everyone takes to create piece is much quicker.”

3D by Ryogo Toyoda

Let Them Watch, and Stay True to What you Love
Musketon is a Belgium-based graphic designer with a love of detailed visual illustrations. On trends, he has mixed feelings. We him asked which trends to watch for this year: “It’s not really a design trend, but I think designing live is going to be big. It’s actually happening right now. I’ve started live streaming my screen while I’m working and I noticed people watching how I create my illustrations for hours and hours,” he says.

For what’s coming up next, he told us, “Animation and motion. Oh and gradients. With trends, it’s most important to stay true to what you like doing the most.”

Vector sketches by Musketon

Our Month in Limbo

For more thoughts on being an artist in limbo, read about young creatives in a world that’s changing fast, find out how two artists are balancing different design tools, and check out our gallery of images in limbo from Adobe Stock.

Header image by MarioAV